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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The coupon printer is a common thing. I don't care for it..but it's not unheard of. I did it before a few months ago for Target or something else...and I uninstalled it when I was done. No spyware or other malware was installed. This *seems* legit.
  2. Run Linux. Problem solved. I joke.
  3. I knew what you were referring to...that's why I left the smiley. Beside my garage is all grass. So that's not happening. Paying for storage is not an option. If I could find someone to store it for me..maybe slide them some dollars..that might work. I'd probably consider that.
  4. Sorry, no trades. No..you're not confused. Although the bimmer has more nuts than that Escalade...it's not trailer towing material. I plan on buying something to drive in the winter that can tow it...if it hasn't been sold yet.
  5. If you're looking at decent paying jobs..you're gonna need experience. That wasn't the case about 5-8 years ago...but it is now. It's hard to specialize when you first start out.You almost have to be a jack of all traits...unless you can get into somewhere BIG from the jump. If you can't, getting the experience in an small shop is invaluable. The mistakes you make.....yes..you WILL make mistakes...cause a smaller amount of grief. I guess what I'm saying is, don't expect to just jump in the field and get (keep) a good paying job without paying some dues first. And, like Casper hinted at...it helps if you have some sort of direction. PM me if you want to take it offline.
  6. It's not a MUST that I sell it..I just don't see getting the use out of it that I envisioned. My close riding partners have all had life styles changes recently.
  7. It's a good tire. You won't be disappointed. Plus 1 to the previous posters.
  8. ^ Thanks. It's really paining me to sell it. It's a PERFECT setup for bikes. 3 bikes..side by side with no worries. *sigh*
  9. Trailers don't have odometers..so as far as miles goes, I bought it last year and it's been to Myrtle Beach and back...Detroit and back (twice)...and that's about it. No idea of where it's been before hand. it's a 2003 Forest River/ US Cargo Enclosed Trailer (White). The VIN is 4X4UHA42X3W031909. Here are the pics:
  10. That's one of the reasons I'm selling it. I have room in the back..but I can't get anything else in/out the garage. Plus, everyone else is using the damn thing more than me. The trailer is perfect for bikes. It couldn't be easier. I've been debating selling this for months now. I guess if I'm gonna do it..now's the time. Just FYI, I plan on getting the trailer on Friday. If someone wants it before then, I'll accommodate.
  11. RIP I hope they don't make this the bikers fault. Coming from someone who was run over from behind by a teenager on a cell phone..BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!
  12. You can accuse me of anything you want..but without proof you make yourself look silly. You don't need a lot of effort..go click my screen name. You can list all my posts...shouldn't take long. But then again, that would expose you. So I don't expect you to do it. Not once did I ever 'jump down someone's throat'. I'm thinking you may be one of the FUD folks..regardless of your political leanings. If so, have fun with that. that would explain the lack of you backing anything up. I posted a thread about buying ammo..more than a few people came forward with some referrals, and one good soul (Uncle Puck) actually got some for me. I owe him one, even if he is a somewhat confused ex-Marine (You knew that was coming!). A big thanks to everyone who responded. Case/Thread closed.
  13. Lazy ..or something else? I never 'attacked' anyone for posting something about Obama. I would only comment when something posted was blatantly wrong. Doesn't matter what side of the fence you sit..if something is inaccurate...it's inaccurate, no matter how you try to spin it. You can't be bothered to find something where I "Love Obama" because it doesn't exist. I said time and time again, I don't support all of his policies, but he was the lesser of two evils IN MY EYES. How does that, or the fact the I challenge anyone to back something up with facts (Fact Nazi..that was for you IP) make me an Obama lover? No soup for you.
  14. ^ Thanks for the info!!! I will definitely keep that in mind. I need to stock up on 40.
  15. Hmm..show me somewhere where I said I was an Obama lover..and you might actually make a little sense. but since you can't..and since I don't...meh.
  16. Very interesting young Skywalker. I did indeed feel a little tingle.
  17. Uncle Punk took care of me...Thanks sir.
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