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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Glad to have you on board. I think a few of us would like to have sex with your bike. Me first.
  2. The bike goes where you are looking..it doesn't magically take the corner just because you leaned over a lil bit. There are two mistakes everyone makes when they first start out. Not turning their head and looking where they need to be, not where they are right now...and target fixating. In all reality, you need to take it off the street so you don't have to worry about gravel, traffic, etc. Take it to the track. The street is not kind to bikers.
  3. I just noticed you were in Newark. I have a new friend that lives there. I was out that way about a month ago. I meant to bring the camera...and forgot it. No worries. Family first. Kev might lift the suspension if you buy him a beer.
  4. Honestly I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if we had to stop somewhere and take a picture of a landmark, or be timed..or what. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle. I chose to stay near the back, because I'm a little leary of people I've never ridden with before. There were a few squids in the pack..and one guy especially that I know had an issue with his bike..but he was over the yellow line a lot and it sounded like he was just learning how to shift!?!? Anyways, I hung back to watch out for the back of the pack a few times and then traffic ended up cutting us off for a while..so I didn't get to see the shenanigans up front. I'm glad most people kept their cool..and I'm glad jinx wore his helmet. I've always rode his ass about that. Good times. Justin, where's my prize? I better not see you riding a new bike next week!
  5. Good to see Kev and Justin again...been a while. Sorry for the fly-by Justin. There was someone I just HAD to get around. I agree with Kev..there were a few WTF moments, but all in all, for that big of a group, I think we made out OK. No one went down, so it was a good day. Suggestions: Next year, the group needs to be a tad smaller. It was $5 well spent. Baby seat FTW
  6. Well at least you weren't going to show up in Avon, like me. I'm gearing up right now..heading out in 5.
  7. OMG this was great. Fedor is a beast. The best part is, he doesn't look intimidating. Andre actually had the recipe to beat Fedor. He was doing better than most, but then he got cocky with the flying knee. Had he stayed with the game plan, it's possible he could of done some damage. I love both of these fighters. And the video is gravy.
  8. 11:15 is cool. Ahh..On the Edge...for some reason I was thinking Avon Harley. I didn't take my meds. I hate trying to read a map on my tank..never works good. I'll bring my map tank pocket/bag. If they haven't done the route yet..I hope this doesn't turn into a cluster F. Justin, sound off!
  9. Did they throw in the baby and goggles?
  10. It's supposed to be 53 @ 11 AM. It's 54 right now.
  11. Ok..obviously I am way off base here. I thought the run started at Avon Harley. I didn't realize it started in Amherst. What's the cost? I don't ever carry cash anymore, so I need to stop and grab some. I can meet you at McD's. Just gimme a time.
  12. Can someone please tell me what the fuck the fun run IS?!?! I still haven't figured that out yet. RVT/Kev, I can meet you two at BP in Shefftucky...no sense in rolling west, and then back east...unless you get want to stretch the legs. What time are you meeting there?
  13. Just to clarify, so this doesn't turn into an anti "other person" thread...when I went down, it had nothing to do with him. I was in the lead, and I came into that corner like it was fucking Moto GP. All fine and dandy until I spooked myself when I saw some gravel and decided to come off my line. Once the big was upright, I was fucked. That was the wrong corner of all corners to be in, where you stand the bike up. The rest....is a mailbox, a tree and some gymnastics. Totally my fault. When Tod refers to him as the 'jinx', it's just a pet name. He's not saying he's responsible. We're all grown men, and no one makes you ride outside of your ability except..well..YOU. I had rode with 'jinx' (I'm calling him that because I don't want to post his name without his consent..even though I think we all know who we're talking about) before, and I had no issues....because I didn't try to catch him. I knew trying to match his speed would end up with me in the hospital, if I was lucky. Did I push myself? Yup..but if I ever felt like I was going over the line, I backed off. On the trip last year when I went down, we were on our way BACK home, so we had made it all the way down south without any issues. Like Tod said, he does things that I would never do, but he also has the skill to pull it off, which I don't. I shake my head and say 'bad boy', but he's a grown man. And if he ever did something to me that I thought was unsafe, I'd let him know. Just remember to not turn a ride into a dick measuring contest...ride your OWN ride..and everything will be fine, for the most part at least. Tod, that time when we stopped..and I waved you on so I could wait for the folks in the back..Kevin wasn't talking about something like that. I wanted you in the front because you knew the roads better than anyone and were the fastest rider so I waved you on and waited for the back of the group. The person we're talking about did do what Kev said..and he'll tell you he did it. That's between Kev and that person, as far as I'm concerned. I think I'm good to go for tomorrow...but can someone tell me, what exactly is the object/purpose of the 'Fun Run'?? Kev/Justin/Tod/Whoever..are we gonna hook up and ride there..or meet there...or?? If you guys can vouch for someone..that's cool, but I don't think I want to hook up with someone for the first time (someone I've never ridden with) on something like this (if it's what I think it is). I like to watch the squids from a distance...entertaining for a little while..but I'm not trying to spend 100 miles with them, nor be in close proximity.
  14. ^ I just pee'd a lil bit in my pants. just a lil bit.
  15. I think I might be down with this. But..like Kevin, I'd want to be the first ones out. I like spirited rides..but I'm all about doing it with as much common sense as possible. I could never keep up with Tod...but I would never try to, and I feel comfortable with his riding ability and common sense factor that I would ride with him any day. Same with Kevin and Justin. I've never been on the fun run before..but if it's like Kev says, that would turn me off. Don't get me wrong, I'm in the triple digits more than I care to admit, but I'm not putting other people at risk while I'm doing it. I'll be back in town tomorrow around 6pm or so. I'll check back and see what the verdict is.
  16. Um, you're fucked. She knows she has you by the balls. So, either find someplace else to live, or take it in the ass. I mean that in a kind and gentle way.
  17. Hire a porn star to fuck the shit out of her, and then use that to break up with her. Make sure you get video of said event.
  18. Next weekend=22nd/23rd THIS weekend=15th/16th So I'm taking about the 23rd. Mack, we're talking about finishing the ride on Saturday, not Sunday.
  19. LOL at the 'jinx'. I laugh every time I read that. I think Randy is set on going down to Columbus on Friday night. I guess it depends on the weather too...like Tod said. So ..what if you and Justin meet us in Zanesville....or somewhere else (I haven't looked at a map yet) and then we carve it up and head home. If it happens to rain on Friday then we'll both leave from Lorain/Elyria on Sat. I'm not a fan of riding in heavy rain. The visor fogs up and it adds another factor to an already dangerous activity. No rain gear on my part also sucks. I try to avoid it if possible. If I get caught in it..so be it. But if there's a good chance it's gonna rain, I'm not gonna be stupid and go out looking for it. Besides..washing your bike after getting caught in the rain is a PITA.
  20. Ok, The Michiganders want to hang out in Columbus Friday night. Shitty?!? So, the plan may be to ride down to Cbus Friday night, and meet up with anyone who is coming down on Saturday. Maybe we meet up in Zanesville ? And then we would all ride back up north together.
  21. I'm the same way...I prefer to come back the same day. I was throwing out the whole hotel thing because the two riders are coming down from MI...possibly the same day. Details are still fluid. I think I can get them to come down Friday, since GM isn't keeping them as occupied as they used to be.
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