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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I love the look of the CR..even more so with after market fairings. I wish I had your problems.
  2. And by open, Kevin means he's lubed up and ready to go.
  3. Well, GLWS Oh ..wait a minute
  4. InyaAzz

    RIP Chachi

    Sorry for your loss...what happened?
  5. InyaAzz

    NEO rider down

    I read about this a few hours ago on my phone. It was reported that the bike was speeding and ran into the car. I wasn't there..so who knows. I can't find the article.
  6. I had 4 offers that I even bothered reading...mostly from people on the Buell forums. I was surprised at first, but the XB's are known to be somewhat bullet proof...and from what I've been reading and from what Randy Hawk told me, there are more than a few 1125's with serious engine problems. Serious enough that HD is just replacing the whole engine without blinking twice. YMMV
  7. Tod has volunteered to do the tapping. You would be amazed (or maybe not) at the amount of offers I received to trade my XB for their 1125.
  8. It's only ghey if I look him in the eye.
  9. Because a bunch of Black Tod's can smell his vegas whore in heat. What's not to like and/or report?
  10. I'm afraid if I go into detail, I might scare any potential buyer away. It's best to let them go into the ass tapping with an open mind. I know I did...and I'm a better man for it.
  11. He likes the view on the 10 better. It's a more aggressive stance...which means more of my ass is showing.
  12. Kevin will bend you over, er... I mean service you anywhere.
  13. $150. Free ass tap included. Excellent shape...like new. Pic of it on the bike:
  14. He already mentioned 'lube' in his first post. Kevin was probably workin' his shaft under his desk by the time he mentioned he was 'cum'ing over.
  15. I plan on beating illegals when I get off of work, so I'll be too busy to respond.
  16. Are you saying that the Supreme Court is wrong? "In Wong Wing v. U S, 163 U.S. 228 (1896), the Supreme Court stated (in citing a previous case and affirming 14th Amendment rights): “The fourteenth amendment to the constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: 'Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.' These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws.' Applying this reasoning to the fifth and sixth amendments, it must be concluded that all persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to the protection guarantied by those amendments, and that even aliens shall not be held to answer for a capital or other infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. “
  17. Exactly. People are quick to ignore the Constitution when it serves there purposes....but then let the President they didn't vote for, or some politician says something they don't like, and then they break out their laminated copy of the Constitution they carry in their wallets and purses. You can't have it both ways. And yeah...it DOES matter that there is more to the story. Making a judgment about anything without knowing all of the facts...or caring about all of the facts..is ignorance at its best.
  18. This Ben guy is just looking for trouble.
  19. I'm not justifying anything. I'm saying there is more to the story than what you originally posted. The jail has a history of this type of thing happening. The guards were looking the other way when it happened. The guy wasn't convicted of sexual assault. it was NON SEXUAL BATTERY. Yes, the charge was originally sex related, and yes I have kids and yes I get it. So, instead of presenting the whole truth, the story is presented as an illegal alien sex abuser gets beat down and gets 4 million. So what don't you understand?
  20. Next season of Tosh? Oh yeah um..does she live in a manufactured home or a trailer of some sort? Just checkin'. i don't wanna piss her off or anything cuz she knows ninja shit.
  21. ...comin' again to save the mutha fuckin' day yeah!!! Good stuff.
  22. There's a little more to the story than what the OP has: http://www.ocregister.com/news/county-192997-ramirez-eisenberg.html
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