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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. My nips do tingle a tad bit when I think about it.
  2. The art fair is for my kids and my niece. So suck it.
  3. Ann Arbor Art Fair weekend for me. Prob not gonna make it.
  4. You suck. I have to work. That is all.
  5. 536 can lick my recently shaved balls. Then again..it could have been the music in my ears taking my focus away. Either way..536 can suck it. 255 ... is goodness. Just the right mix. I see why Tod likes this road. I LOVE the sweepers on 800 too. Saturday is most likely going to be a short day for me..I have to work at 9pm, so I'd have to be back by 7 at the latest. I don't mind going..but I'll have to bug out early.
  6. I'd be more inclined to believe that there is a mail server somewhere rejecting this mail..or that it's never leaving OR's servers.
  7. Sale is still pending. Potential buyer is in Canada. We're waiting for HD to send the proper paperwork.
  8. Buell Select Seat $150 + shipping Approx 400 miles on it.
  9. Make it happen...except I'm not really sure exactly where we'd be riding up north that would be worth while?!?
  10. It looks like the very last weekend in July is the best for me. The other weekends are hit and miss. I don't think I want to wait that long before I get back on some good roads though...it's a sickness. I also need to burn this back tire up so I can get a proper color on these rims.
  11. I was starting to cramp up...I caught a cramp in my left hip leaned over, mid turn. Ever stick your left leg out straight while leaned over to the left? I don't recommend it. Next time I'll come in better shape...I'll try to at least. I normally don't get home until 3 AM Sunday mornings, so I don't have much wiggle room for the little stuff like...oh..sleep.
  12. This seems to happen every once in a while...been this way for a few weeks now.
  13. Didn't mind riding sweep since it needed to be done. If I had been in better shape starting the ride, finishing it wouldn't have been a problem. I was expecting to put at least 4-500 miles in. So...when are we doing this again?? I need to get it on the calendar as soon as possible.
  14. I'm sure she lurks here every so often...not sure if she's registered or not.
  15. While you're at it, go buy a counterfeit bill detector (less than $10) if you're gonna be selling high dollar value items. Don't trust cash, either.
  16. Just a couple of good ol' boys negotiating a fair price on that strapping black man for work one of our plantations. Or two frightened pasty crackers fearing the wrath of a huge black gentleman who was fed up with the system and looking to take his frustrations out on the first two honkeys he saw. More of the latter, I think. Especially since I am the one on the left.
  17. ^ lulz I was gonna mention something about the 'bike in working condition rule'...but it wasn't my ride and didn't want to step on any toes. You sort of alluded to a 'if you show up with problems, you're on your own' stipulation. Without sounding like a bigger dick than I already am...I think this may be worth considering.
  18. Where's Rosa Parks when you need her?
  19. Sweep riders and lead riders need to have cell phone #'s exchanged. Probably not an issue if the locals are doing both..but in my case it could have saved some time. And I don't think that taking the separate loops is a bad idea..as long as we are all meeting at the same point..at some point or points in the loop. With that many bikes..it's a challenge to keep all three groups together. I would love to go back down there and ride the better roads to get familiar with them.
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