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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. "They" as in ?? I was reading the story with one eye open earlier, and the only mention I saw about someone taking it down was that the National branch of the Tea Party had some reservations with it. It was a local branch in...Iowa..maybe? don't remember...that paid for this. And..it's not really that funny...considering that the other two 'leaders' were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people. I get the message...but it's lost in the images.
  2. i jumped on this two days ago. Great deal.
  3. Always loved that song....as idiotic as it was
  4. Everyone is going to claim to know from 'inside sources'. I'll tell you that I work part time downtown in the old Rose building right down the street from the arena. There is a circle of...shall we say...um..drunks ..that I work with, and LBJ's mom is known to be a lush and seriously out of pocket. Was I there when Delonte was tea bagging her? No. But, other than a weak cease n desist to a website, has anyone from either camp come out and flatly denied it? I'm not saying that they should respond to all and any rumors...but if someone was lying about choppin' MY moms down, you best believe I'd be on TV shuttin' that shit down. Think about it.
  5. We can agree outside of my ass. It's not a requirement that we go inside anyone's ass to agree on something.
  6. LeBron is not from Cleveland. He's from Akron. LeBron has been planning to leave for a long while now. Gilbert should have known he was leaving if he wasn't returning phone calls and didn't want anything to do with the new coach hiring process. Gilbert was in denial. LeBron has a problem with everyone else on the Cavs knowing about his moms getting chopped down by more than one person in the organization...and him finding out about it after the fact. LeBron quit. And he made sure everyone knew it when he ripped his shirt off after the last game was done. If Gilbert didn't read into that he's an idiot with money. LeBron is an egomaniac, but Gilbert and NEO helped to create that monster. Lots of dirt got covered up during his nights out on the town. BUT..that's no different than any other 'super star' with a lot of money and a cock. The whole 'decision' on ESPN was designed to feed his ego, AND shit on Cleveland at the same time. See the point above about his moms getting chopped down. Story over. Life goes on. He's a rich egomaniac who moved to Miami to fuck latinas. I ain't mad at him. You shouldn't be either. Fault him for poor taste, but if he wants to go chase a ring, so be it. Gilbert said what a lot of people were thinking, but now he comes across as a bitch and needs to STFU. Jesse Jackson is an ass hat. There. Thread done. Lock it up.
  7. SOLD. Lock her up before Kevin gays this thread up even more than he already has.
  8. So it was a limp cock in RAIN mode?
  9. S1000RR= Fully engorged big black cock CBR 1000RR=Thick but not quite as big, white cock
  10. Yeah...and you don't want to EVER use his tire warmers! He's got two different models.
  11. I <3 South Beach In other news..LBJ is an attention whore, hiding behind the Boys and Girls club.
  12. Is 'corners and trackdays' code for gay bars?
  13. Don't you have some corners to not take at speed, somewhere?
  14. There's a BIG difference between "Mexican Americans" and say, Mexicans in Mexico City. BIG difference.
  15. seriously though... I <3 Mexican women.
  16. Black folks <3 Mexicans. We need someone to pick our greens.
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