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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. That's a good way to get shot down there.. he's lucky no one reported his ass.
  2. Don't feel bad! It was my responsibility to stay. I waved you all on...remember? That was what I was there for....to make sure no one got left. It didn't matter if 10 people were there or not...that bike wasn't starting without a jump. First time I've seen that.
  3. I'm fine as long as I stay on the meds. Nice meeting you too...we'll have to do it again soon. Hopefully on a Sunday where I get more than 45 minutes of sleep before the ride.
  4. He's black?? Who the hell invited him?
  5. She's never complained to me about it.
  6. She's doing better. I don't ride with her much, but when I do I try to help her out. Unfortunately, there aren't any curves up here. She just needs more seat time..and the confidence will come. She also needs to look through the corners...which I think is one of her biggest problems. It's a trust issue. She's still kinda new to that bike (Shitty, that's Randy's Gixxer..before he bought the K12)...so she'll get there eventually. I noticed today..for me...that music in the corners in a no-no. I did a test today, and turned the music off while hitting the corners, and it was a big difference for me. That's what threw me off last ride...music is great for distracting me during the boring straights to/from the ride, and it's great for distracting me in the corners too. Never again. I slept from about 6 to 11:30. I'm fucked for the rest of the night.
  7. I just bought one for $2000 cheaper on ebay. GLWS.
  8. Thanks to the Coshocton crew for having our collective asses run through their back yards again. Always a pleasure. Tod and others...running sweep was no problem. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I was running on only 45 minutes of sleep..and to compensate, I had about 2 caffeine pills in me, a red bull, and god knows what else I found to keep me awake. By the time I got to McD's I was severely dehydrated...and exhausted. That, plus the early cluster fuck made for a short day for me. My loss. Black Betty, you were fine...kept up a good pace...form was good...no worries. Speedy...I'm gonna mail you a damn battery! Sounds like no one went down? Good things.
  9. I hope you weren't aren't the wedding that had the assholes in it..that showed up at Mulligans pissy drunk and made me actually WORK tonight. Amateur ass hats. Ohhh yeah. He knows.
  10. The floors are the least of the concerns. The wear on his tires will need to be addressed, from all the trips back and forth to Home Depot.
  11. Tod, I usually count at all stops whether I'm in back or not. Being the slowest man on two wheels helps. ...but the last 20 miles are going to be too juicy to pass up.
  12. Kevin is secretly ghey for the busa.
  13. Since I don't have time to e-dick dock with you..let me say that I never said MI was an 'awesome' place. Do some research..folks ain't stayin' in Ohio when they graduate either...and there's a lot of brain drain going on. It's not isolated to MI. 75 mostly blows around Detroit..it always has..more so lately. That's a sign of the times...it's no secret. I stay away from 75 when possible and take 23. But I call bullshit on you being all over the state and saying that all the roads are shit. Riding from Ann Arbor to Detroit is not all over the state.
  14. You're giving away pussy? GLWS
  15. You forgot that this thread is beat to shit.
  16. InyaAzz

    Is it sad....

    Not a big Halo fan...but Unreal is the shit. Have you tried Quake Live?
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