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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Could possibly be a shrapnel wound, but I can't see that happening from something that was strapped to him because the rest of the torso was intact. Who knows.
  2. This was earlier after they shot the MIT cop and were being pursued by the police. Supposedly the older brother got out the car at some point and was stopped. The younger brother allegedly drove the car past the cops and ran over the body on the way out. I've seen the morgue pic of the older brother. He has a HUGE gash on his left side of his chest.
  3. You're just mad I only gave you the tip. Wait a minute, I think we're OT.
  4. Annnnnd I've finished. Let me grab some tissue. Anyone got a smoke?
  5. Don't feed the trolls. You're not gonna find any leg humping posts from me.
  6. The Uncle says this has nothing to do with religion as far as he knows. He said his nephew's were 'losers'. Nice. I kinda giggled when they said this morning the little brother drove over his older brother's body trying to get away.
  7. There's more west-siders on here over the past year...more so than when I first joined. You'll have a lot of folks to ride with. Just try and ignore the leg humping.
  8. Folks were also calling them 'middle eastern' not too long ago.
  9. Crack! Shittiest roundhouse ever.
  10. Cnn just said they are believed to be from Chechnya. .but it's CNN so they may be from Jersey.
  11. 14 Hazel is about to get a knock on the door.
  12. Both suspects in custody now. edit: disregard...news may be reporting bad info. Shocker.
  13. It only passed in the House. ..not the Senate. Same thing happened last time. I expect Presidential veto if it gets far enough.
  14. Beijing would be nice. The rest of China...meh. Japan would be tits. I hope your company gave you a throw away laptop and/or phone to use while you were there.
  15. Thanks guys. I'll follow up and let you know how it turned out.
  16. Corbin doesn't carry a white in this color. And if I'm going to pay for shipping and for Corbin to recover, I'd rather do it local.
  17. Actually...4chan might be on to something
  18. I have a Corbin seat that needs to be recovered. I just need to change the color of the seating area....but I want it put back together like it is now. So, no hack jobs. Does anyone have any references they can throw my way?
  19. Good point about the farmers and mud.
  20. Welcome aboard. I just bought tires at the end of last season (from you, of course) but I need gloves and maybe another jacket. Make it so! And again...I have to give it up for Mike. He knows his stuff.
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