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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. That's who I was talking about. His technique was horrible and I'm not surprised he broke his wrist. I'm a douche. Some guy starts a fight..pulls a gun..and all I wanna do is critique his lack of boxing skills. Nice knee attempt though. Lock the hands behind the neck next time for additional damage.
  2. I need to teach that guy how to punch. He punches like he was trying to paint a wall.
  3. The amount of leg hump in this thread disappoints.
  4. WHY DO YOU TEMPT ME SO??!?! I really need to get off the pot and find another carry weapon.
  5. It happened to me many years ago after leaving the Flats. I was in a '96 Impala SS and if anyone knows that car it has insanely wide tires and a horrible front end that is impossible to align. The nature of the beast would cause it to tramline like crazy. Apparently someone noticed me doing this and thought I was drunk (I wasn't). I got pulled over on 611 and was given a field sobriety test....which I passed. So, I don't know if it's illegal or not (I doubt it), but they are gonna pull you over regardless.
  6. Ex OSU football player goes Rambo while riding a motorcycle. Stay classy, OSU.
  7. Folks...relax. There will be a group and pace for everyone.
  8. In before the ghey. I might be down to be social.
  9. Weather permitting.. I'd like to ride in the slow group so I can watch all the awesomeness unfurl in front of me.
  10. I might be down for this. Not really interested in sleeping over in a man cave, but willing to ride it like I stole it on Saturday. If we have anyone from NEO going, I don't mind getting a group together to ride down or helping with the 'fast' group on Saturday.
  11. THIS. HD doesn't offer anything but an image. I refuse to pay 2013 prices for 1980's technology. The Buell debacle was the last straw in my mind. If you want a Harley..have at it. To each his own. I prefer to spend my money on a bike based on something other than image. Again, if Joe Blow wants to spend his money to 'belong' to a certain group, more power to him.
  12. Why a Harley? Why not 'something more comfortable' or 'insert different cruiser here'? Just curious.
  13. Not sure whether to laugh or be angry.
  14. I just bought an M109R. One of my best friends rides a Harley so I turned the keys over to him a few hours ago and we hit 90. One of the first things he said was 'I hit 130 and it didnt wobble'. I guess I did t realize HD was marketing wobble as a selling point.
  15. Only if purchased from a dealer...not a private party. I just went through this with my M35 that I sold.
  16. InyaAzz

    OSU vs UK

    Michigan. You know I had to say it.
  17. This ^ You would have to be going downhill in a straight line and weight about 50 lbs soaking wet to hit most manufacturers top speed claims.
  18. And if you changed your gearing, you changed the speedo reading. Not trying to pick a fight. I actually owned a 95 FZR 1000. Just pointing out that you weren't going as fast as your thought. Still, it's fast enough to die pretty quickly if you make a mistake.
  19. Hyundai has come a long way. I remember a friend of mine having one in the late 90's @ Ft. Riley, and it was basically plastic on 4 wheels.
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