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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz

    iPhone OS 4.0

    Apple makes good products. Overpriced, but you get what you pay for. IMHO, I find more snobs in the Apple camp than the MS camp. I guess you could say the MS camp has more lemmings...which exists in the Apple camp as well, but at least the Apple lemmings have quality products to jizz on. I don't have anything against the iPhone...it's AT&T and Apple's cock blocking lock on the OS I despise. Mainly AT&T though. If/when it's available on another provider, I'll take a look. Until then, my next phone will most likely be an Android based phone. Someone will have to convince me to give up my Sprint SERO account though.
  2. Dammit ..I could use a newer laptop around the house...or maybe as a gift to my niece. Whoops...gotta pay for books and tuition. Funny how I forgot that when I saw this post. Good luck with the sale. If it's still around in two weeks I'll check you out.
  3. InyaAzz

    iPhone OS 4.0

  4. All they'll do is move more tshirts and jackets in the space the bikes occupied. That's pretty much where Buell sits in any HD shop. In the corner..next to the headbands. Yeah..at $6100 it's a steal. At $7500...they can suck it. I figured the prices would go back up once the inventory dropped.
  5. No other 1125's available nearby? I still think about the 1125...but I already have the ZX10, and to make the 1125 no longer fugly, it would cost $$$ which negates the cheap price to begin with. Are prices still low, or has it gone up now that the supply has dwindled?
  6. The spawn killing is ridiculous. There are folks that will not even try to complete the objective, and just spawn camp. Not to mention the numerous glitches and bugs. Needless to say, I don't play as much as I used to.
  7. Someone has a rather short memory!!! http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=359747&postcount=353
  8. Meh. I don't want to watch ESPN on my 360 or PS3. I'd rather watch it in HD via Sat so I don't have to worry about watching a shitty resolution or jamming up my porn torrents.
  9. Heard that this morning. They must be thinking WTF?!?! Sounds like US troops are patrolling and supporting aid dispersion now..but the food is still slow to come.
  10. Never mind. I forgot you lose all your guns/attachments/goodies. Fuck that.
  11. Exactly how long do you stay at 70? Cause it's annoying.
  12. Welcome. There are a few of us near you.
  13. InyaAzz


    It was dead all day yesterday.
  14. I actually found a source on the net to buy an overlay for my Toshiba so I could go in the service menu and do a proper convergence. It's not a simple thing...and I never got around to it. Actually, this was for a 61" Toshiba that i had before the 55" set. If you haven't gone into the service menu yet, there are tweaks to be had there..but you have to be very careful. You're more than welcome to borrow DVE or Avia...or both. Just let me know and we can meet up. Edit:Kevin likes me?!?!
  15. ^ What he said. Anything over 50", go with 1080p. Don't believe me...use your own eyes. I dare anyone to look at two 42" or 50" sets at 720 and 1080, getting fed with identical sources (not split 10 million times like at Best Buy) to detect more than a minor difference between the two. If you're an audio/videophile, then this is not even up for debate. If you're an average consumer...you're not going to see much of a difference. If your diet is strictly BluRay or you've got a Godzilla cock size screen...why are you even worrying about it? You've got the $$....get 1080p! If your screen size is 50 or less, and you're an average consumer who wants best bang for the buck, and you don't want to spend the $$ on 1080p, you will be more than happy with 720p.
  16. You'll be fine. I have DVE and Avia if you want to do basic calibration...hell, you can use it on your Toshiba if you want.
  17. Das..there are people here that actually give a shit (I would be included in that category)...and there are people here who could give less then a damn. You've already seen that first hand. Just commenting on the whole voodoo doll post..Cheech wasn't digging on Haiti..it was a dig on Pat R., resident fuck doll. As far as trying to get folks to not make jokes..I'm gonna tell you right now..not gonna happen. Believe me... I would like nothing more than to say everyone here would take this situation seriously..but they won't. For two reasons. One, it doesn't affect them personally. Two, this is OR.net. We fuck sheep. There's really nothing else to say. FYI...I for one, am glad your family is safe. There are a LOT of folks on here who feel the same. Trust me. They really do give a fuck...at least while they're looking at their 69" LCD monitors and stroking their iPhones. There's a third category I forget to mention. Those that truly don't give a fuck. And it's their right not to.
  18. I had a 55" Toshiba projection too...looked great with HD. Only sold it because I knew the panels were taking over and I wanted to get the most out of the sale. You can DVR VOD on DTV...I don't know about Dish. I THINK..I'm not sure..you have a time period to watch it before it's unavailable. I got rid of Comcast cable. At the time they had very few HD channels and I got tired of them raising the prices all the time. Plus they nickel and dimed me for everything.
  19. I've run out of things to pretend to be working on at work.
  20. Is there a 'brown paper bag over head' smiley?
  21. Can someone give me their iPhone so I can take it to the range next time I go? I won't be using any apps to calculate trajectory either. The phone itself will do just nicely.
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