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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. This was my lulz for the day. Agreed.
  2. I'm a gun owner..AND a member of the NRA....but I've yet to see the science that shows me where people buying more weapons dropped the violence rate. I'm not saying they aren't related...that's not my point. My point is that I don't see anywhere in THIS article where the two dots are connected. I'm all for citizens being armed...just not a big fan of fuzzy logic. Maybe I missed it.
  3. The logic in this place never ceases to amaze me.
  4. That was precisely part of the problem. The cars were competing with themselves. No brand identity or personality. Over the years...you could get the same model from GM OR Pontiac. What makes Pontiac so special then? They lost their identity...with the exception of the G6, and more importantly the G8, Pontiac is the same brand of old. It makes perfectly good sense to me, especially when you're getting your ass handed to you by imports. Circle the wagons, stop making multiple models of the same car that no one is buying, and cut costs. Oh yeah, and take some government money. I have a really close friend in management at the GM plant in Detroit proper. He was brought in to fix things...he has a track record of setting shit straight in the production process. Once he started fixing issues on the line, and making people look bad who make 2 and 3 times what he makes, all of a sudden he's the fall guy and they are trying to set him up to fail. GM hasn't changed one fucking bit.
  5. ^ What he said. You won't find cheaper HDMI cables anywhere else. I've bout many cables from them over the years..you won't be disappointed.
  6. Matter of fact..I haven't been to sleep yet.
  7. LOL!! Congrats! My team didn't show up this week..oh well. I'm first place loser.
  8. I'm kicking the little ninjas off in 15 mins.
  9. I'll jump on tonight too. I have the whole week off. I need to stock up on liquor first though.
  10. I'm gonna get back on in the next hour. The ninjas are hogging the box.
  11. christ almighty...ok. I'm getting back on
  12. I got on..got bored..and turned the Xbox off. I didn't have the patience to learn the maps and where folks were camping and sniping. I must be getting old.
  13. I'll jump on around 7 or 8. Gonna nap it up.
  14. I'm kicking everyone off to get my online cherry out of the way today. What time is good? I've got vodka, juice, and all the food I could need.
  15. Meerkat Manor FTW. I have nothing else to add.
  16. People are really starting to get desperate.
  17. Everyone but ME got to play Xbox the last two days. Tomorrow is MY day!! GT = YrStarfish4Dinr
  18. YrStarfish4DinR My first choice was BrownEyeSh1tterSplitter, but it wouldn't fit.
  19. This is just great..Live is making me change my gamer tag...after over a year of being on there, I guess one of my kids pwned someone and they got mad and reported me? LOL Now I have to come up with something just as offensive.
  20. Working now....loosened the screws up. Drink time!! I'm gonna let it run all night just to be sure.
  21. I'm talking to myself now.. Must be how the case is attached to the MB? I take the grey side panels and the front panel off...and it works. Gonna try to loosen the cage screws and see if that helps.
  22. Fired it up 3 times..worked. Put the case back on...no workie. Fuck Bill Gates. Gotta break this shit down AGAIN
  23. In the words of Team America......FUCK YEAH!!! Got that bitch to boot. It was the paste...I didn't have enough on the first time. Bill Gates almost ruined Christmas in my house.
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