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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If you properly calibrate your TV (or can afford to have a professional do it for you), you can make any decent brand look good/great. Most folks can't even tell the difference between a good set and a bad one. These sets are so cheap now.., you can buy a replacement Visio or LG if the dam thing dies. I bought a Panny 50" a little over a year ago, and the current prices are half what I paid for it. If someone is so worried about Vizio or LG...buy an extended warranty right before the manuf. warranty runs out. You don't have to buy them from Best Buy or whatever retail store you're at. You can grab em online much cheaper. Just read the fine print so you know what is/isn't covered. And save the box that the TV came in. You'll thank me later.
  2. Garbage in, Garbage out. With today's Sat/Cable output, 50" @ 720p is fine. BluRay may point out any differences...but who is watching BR >50% of the time? If this was for a dedicated Home Theater, with high end components...I would think twice. But for daily viewing..vid games...etc??? Sounds like a good deal to me. Just make sure the model doesn't have an ass load of issues you will potentially have to deal with. Also make sure you're sitting at the right distance..if you sit too close you will soooo regret it. LG better than Panny? Meh. If I had the $$ and it was no object...I would grab a Pioneer Kuro. Done deal. Sammy would be near the top as well.
  3. Can we do them on a solo basis? How do they feel about interracial/species DP's? Is jizz on the face allowed? Does your cat have claws? Cause fuck almighty, that might be a deal breaker.
  4. Welcome... and hopefully not goodbye, by the time this thread is done. Swing on that wing...lulz
  5. He got that shot holding it in his hand? Niiiiiice. The only shots I get when holding it in my hand need to be cleaned up at some point.
  6. Sad to see it go. Did the trip out west on the Ninja kick you in the ass?
  7. I don't doubt anything you've typed. History IS the best teacher.
  8. I guess you missed the point where I didn't specifically say JUST agriculture. I'm full aware that they can't grow food...they were too busy trying to make charcoal or whatever. That doesn't mean they can't find other ways to survive. Labor/Services...some other good they can export..I don't know. The fact is, they are going to have challenges with feeding themselves, so they will have to get creative to solve them. Just throwing in the towel and saying it can't be done isn't a solution.
  9. I went to BT in Lorain on Saturday and it was packed too. First time I've been there where I actually had to wait. I need to open a range.
  10. i had an FZR 1000. 97 I think. The thing was heavy, but it handled great and there was LOADS of info available on the net. Solid bikes.
  11. A box of 50 9mm rounds for $25????
  12. Probably because people haven't had anything to eat or drink in a week. if I had a family, hell, if even if it was just me, I'd be looting and stealing food too. The instinct for human survival is a very powerful motivator. I am making an assumption, but the majority of people on this forum (and our country for that matter) have never been put in that kind of situation. Actually, considering how long it's been since people have even had clean water, it could be much worse. Bottom line, anyone delivering aid needs to have their own security if the military is not providing it. People aren't going to stand patiently in line with thousands of other people when they and their families are starved. Not starved as in, shit I haven't eaten all day, let me smash on this double cheeseburger real quick. Starved as in atrophy, dehydration and failing organs. I'm not a fan of continued aid with no end in site....I would much rather see aid where people are able to meet their immediate needs, and the rest going towards helping them (not just Haitians..anyone) sustain themselves...through infrastructure, agriculture, trade, whatever. The whole give a man a fish/teach a man to fish thing.
  13. Oooooooooooooh That's a sub compact right up my alley. My Glock 27 is causing fatigue after a few mags at the range, but the 709 is "glock like" and smaller to boot. I've been thinking about going from .40 to 9mm for my carry. How are you liking it? Recoil?Action?
  14. What's the new piece IP?
  15. He's got a mixed environment...that's why I didn't mention VB. I wouldn't bring VB to a *nix party..but that's just me.
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