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Everything posted by EagleCock

  1. addendum: not trying to start anything, but what if we made poll asking if people would like to participate in group ride on day X to commemorate all of the fallen riders from years past? I'm sure we'd have the same vote (90% for) and the same overwhelming positive response
  2. duly noted. I was just offering substitute to shutting down the .net for 1 day...if my life is taken while I'm riding, I wouldn't want this site or any internet site shut down for that day. I would hope my friends could find a more fitting way to commemorate and celebrate my life. now if you're motive is to shut down the site for a day to promote and practice safe motorcycle riding (ride safe, watch out for crazy fuckers on cell phones, to wear gear, etc.) then we've got a whole 'nother disagreement
  3. Isn't there something we could do that would have a bigger impact than shutting down the .net for a day? Not saying it's a terrible idea but wouldn't a ride or something similar be a better way to remember a friend or brother/sister on 2 wheels? I voted no to turn off site for 1 day in hopes we can think of something better
  4. holy ish dude. I saw the van that hit you but no mustang...this was around 4:45 yesterday. glad you weren't on the bike but you gotta keep your head on a swivel when driving around chase parking garages. so many dumb fat fvcks trying to get their fatasses home or to lunch and don't care to look before pulling out
  5. (belated) Happy Birthday Danielle
  6. so def done for 2009? looks to me like she could be ready to ride tomorrow...but then again I like ugly bikes
  7. sounds like a good time other than the speeding tickets...ouch. I know some states don't transfer the points for speeding to ohio but not sure about KY. they probably do since we're neighbors anyone confirm?
  8. I'll flash you if you're riding red harley bitches got nothing on me
  9. Nice pics E! Pedrosa is a spanish fairy and nicky hayden is awesome!
  10. I guess some hackers from 4chan hacked many facebook accts. There are many more like this that bring the lolz
  11. I gots 1 too if these cock blockers fall through
  12. Yo. I don't have your #

    6143128751 and only $.99 per min

  13. still happening. see you mother fuckers tomorrow
  14. didn't want to quote it for the 13th time but yummy_waffles' design in my fav so far. keep the entries coming...we can always clean up this thread so who cares if it stays on track
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