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Everything posted by EagleCock

  1. so this your first real trip to deal's gap or are you counting the trip you had earlier to like myrtle beach or wherever?
  2. damn...seems like getting on the track is next logical step...I won't lie though, it's addicting and makes street riding a little less enjoyable once you've experienced a few good sessions on the track
  3. that is a good gig. just always makes me want to punch babies when someone buys track bike before running a trackday...the whole cart before the horse thing. how long you been riding street? what was your first bike?
  4. so you once started thread stating you wanted track bike suggestions or that you wanted to buy a track bike. have you ever done a track day?
  5. Nice thread. Getting paid to whore it up gets my approval!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k3zvI2tyPM
  7. Ok cool. Should have plenty of quality choices with all the creative (read nerds) minds on the site
  8. I miss the beaver...and it's not too scary in the rain either
  9. Single color? Is price difference too much to have 2 colors?
  10. I should just take the day off tomorrow...but i've got final final on thurs
  11. EagleCock

    Power Hour

    Mmmmmmmm miller lite
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