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Everything posted by EagleCock

  1. Not sure what leather the dainese are made from. I've got astars gp tech made from kangaroo leather and I love them. Hard to find gloves in kangaroo leather cheaper than ~$200
  2. You talking about his 2008 wreck in china? Yea dude, wicked highside and he broke bones in both ankles
  3. My bike could use a good detail lol and i'll go anywhere for beer Got a grill?
  4. i'm interested but my bike needs to be ridden 100 miles per week during the winter
  5. EagleCock

    No caption

    Ewwwwww! WTF is wrong with that bike?
  6. By bandwagon fans you must mean the patriots right? I've been a bengals fan since I was a little kid. We had a stretch of almost 20 years without a winning season...I didn't stop cheering for the bengals but there wasn't much to get excited for during that time frame.
  7. That was an uneventful ride...sorry guys, must be losing "it"
  8. WHO mutha fucking DEY! I bet zorro took a sick da today after the fall of PA this weekend. Penn St choked and so did the steelers
  9. how did he get it on the track in the first place? and who uses the sango walmart as a reference point ya'll?
  10. Your last sentence is 100% true. gdc is full of tards
  11. i r so busted! it's all good d00d... just thought it was funny that you said IP carried "everything" because I really wanna try on AGV to get sizing since they have some trick helmet designs
  12. Washington Court House, OH until I started my post-high school adventure. 1 year and some change in SC then to Columbus where I'm still trapped
  13. You could play "she got it from her momma"
  14. iMac g5 Macbook Airport express 6 iPods all still alive
  15. nice. seen a few pics like that but always a good reminder
  16. Buy a mac and join all us cool kids. Your mac can do everything you listed and will work perfectly with iPhone too. You can always load windows on it too but you won't after learning and seeing the mac OS. It's also much easier to get help with the apple store if you ever have a real software or hardware failure. Courtney had never used mac before she met me and picked it up very quickly since it's very user friendly.
  17. We should...and could go anywhere since we know where all the gays will be with their "glowsticks"
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