There is one cool thing that does give Christianity a boost:
Jesus Lived
Jesus died
Jesus affected a hell of a lot of people.
That was straight from the mouth of a Decon that works at the Josephenum (screw my spelling) In actuallity, it's also hard not to denounce the fact that Jesus is a part in every religion through out the world. Time had an article stating how religions from Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, etc.. spoke of Jesus in one form or another.
I think one's belief's do stem from personal experiences. Like in Sol's case, a pastor telling him the devil makes him question faith. No wonder so many Christians leave the faith. What kind of bass ackwards BS is that? If faith wasn't questioned, or tested, there would be no point, and blind Faith. From things I personally have done, I know when skill and luck are no longer in play. There were too many situations that I had no real logical answer, even after breaking down things. I guess I kind of have my physical proof and all, but I always had my faith all along. That doesn't mean I don't question stupidity and hypocrisy in the Church. One reason I'm not a "practicing Catholic."