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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. Bye Dale, no more of your liberal crap anymore. Rick needs to man the fuck up along with his boy Carl.
  2. Fuel economy is a big one too. Easier on gas when it's in park an idling for half a shift
  3. Talk to Andy @ BWSC too. Ran the state master weapons team for Ohio.
  4. Scotty2Hotty

    Fuck you all

  5. If you shoot a Barrett, you'll see the proof in the pudding. I've heard nothing good from the Safety Harbor set up. I've got a friend with a Bohica upper he bought for shits n' giggles. Said it won't group for shit, but it's fun non the less. Have you inquired into the M99? Not a bad price for a quality rifle: http://www.armslist.com/posts/81046/lexington-kentucky-rifles-for-sale--barrett-m99--50-bmg-with-nightforce-nxs-scope-5-5x22x56 It's sold, but for a package deal, it ain't bad.
  6. I ain't chomping at the bit for one, but if he's got a few I probably will. I'd like to shoot it first before buying.
  7. A customer of mine that owns a gun shop is supposed to have some in the coming month or so. He invited us out for a range day with some Class III weapons too, so if I go I'll report back.
  8. $800 territory is good for a decent AR. Buy an AR-15, you'll be happy. It's America's rifle.
  9. With all the fab work, suspension and the 6BT Cummins, I'd rock it. Bet it still gets 20 MPG.
  10. MBRP's Rattle Trap = REAL Jeep with a 6BT Cummins http://i573.photobucket.com/albums/ss176/coopers68/Rattletrap%20Pics/tireon2.jpg
  11. SBS http://www.impactguns.com/data/default/images/catalog/535/mossberb_590.jpg 18.5 http://www.gandcguns.com/zen/images/M6.jpg You can pick up an 870 18.5" barrel for about $200.
  12. I prefer Glock, having owned both XD's and Glocks. It's all in what fits you best.
  13. Leupold Mark 4 CQ/T http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1302036462.jpg 1-3X magnification. Magnifiers are a pain in the ass as far as I have experienced. I like a fixed magnification or a variable magnification.
  14. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1329851455.jpg With the larger mag.
  15. Never actually played to be honest. I don't even have a gaming console Those are the 2 Glocks I decided to keep.
  16. Basic ol' 870's. One is currently in Arkansas for work. The mossbergs are locked up and on my other camera. (Post them up when I get a new USB) http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1329850988.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1303254608.jpg Top is a Super Magnum/Bottom regular ol 870. Pic of M500 Mossberg.jpg Pic of 590A1 Mossberg.jpg
  17. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1329850356.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1329850769.jpg Rest of the pics are on my camera that I lost my USB cable to. I'll try to get the rest up that are locked away.
  18. My favorite AR: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=610&pictureid=4985 M1A Scout http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1311722872.jpg
  19. I've bought all my NATO ammo from palmetto state armory. Lucky gunner is another place worth looking. Depending on what load you want for 12 gauge will depend on price. I've bought Remington 2 3/4" 00-buck in bulk, and some of the military 00 buck for pretty decent.
  20. Still looking forward to the next episode. Seems like the season is gaining steam, and headed in the right direction.
  21. She was from Houston. If she was from Dallas she'd drive a Lexus or Range Rover, and try to survive by banging old guys for money.
  22. 590A1 > 500 My 870 is currently in Arkansas.
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