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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. Brand New?? what dealer? sounds used.... but hey, i could definitely be wrong.
  2. Click here to go to our OEM Parts Fiche! This does NOT include OEM Accessories. Only parts that are available in the OEM Parts Fiche. We are currently doing this for all customers. BUT, when we end it, it will be ongoing for ALL Ohio Riders members. So for right now, anyone who orders OEM parts off our website, gets 20% off there order. The price shown, is the discounted price. No need to enter a code to get a discount. If you find it cheaper somewhere else, please call our parts department at 419.332.9902 and let us know. Our Parts Advisors are Jessica and Ross. Parts Manager is Todd Saunders. I help out in parts also. I cant remember if there is a comment box, but if there is, please let us know your screen name on Ohio Riders. ***DISCLAIMER*** prices WERE NOT raised before the discount was set!!
  3. I will use this thread as a place to post up when I get the OK from the sales manager to BLOW OUT a Bike, Quad, Etc... Ill post pics and prices. Keep watch on our HOT DEALS here... http://www.schietsmotorsports.com/productgroups.htm?custom=1
  4. sbc ftmfw!!! i grew up in huron. now live in $hit harbor, i mean oak harbor.
  5. also, on our website is a spot on the right hand side, to enter your email address. The only thing we use your email address for is top send out a mail blast no more than 2-3 times a month, been mainly 1 per month. I will make sure OhioRiders.net is on them also!! I need to add a link to OR.net on our homepage also. The mailers deal with sales, specialty items, etc... Thanks!!!
  6. were you the one who rode it to the liscence bureau?? i was when i did it. i hauled azz down state street weaving between cars leaning off the scooter with a knee out. haha, it was hilarious. full face helmet, gloves, jacket, jeans, and my Sidi's on.
  7. Yes, 2008 is the only year. We have a silver one, and a black one still available. I will get you an OTD price and PM it to you. The all black is still in the crate, silver one is on the floor. I took the silver one for a spin last year. LOVED IT. Would take it over a Busa anyday. I felt so much more comfortable. i am 6'1.5" 190lbs. The big gas tank/intake shrouds are very nice IMO. Let me know if you would like more info! I personally thought the bike handled VERY well. here is our silver one.
  8. damn, i was hoping to see Monroeville, Ohio. LOL.
  9. Also, If anyone is interested in one of our bikes, whether new or used, please let me know. I will get you a price ASAP.
  10. I will always be updating this thread with bikes that have recently arrived! Whether new or used! I will remove units when they are sold. NEW.................. (CALL OR PM ME FOR OHIO RIDERS PRICING) USED................. (CALL OR PM ME FOR OHIO RIDERS PRICING) more info on used units available HERE 1998 Yamaha Vmax...Stock Number: 10U041 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOltVSp7pIw 2007 Suzuki GSX-R600...Stock Number: 10U046 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIYsnMP8Zj8 2005 Yamaha FZ1...Stock Number: 9U021 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650...Stock Number: 10U036 2004 Suzuki gs500f... Stock Number: 10U062 Has some damage from a drop... 2008 Harley-Davidson® Dyna Street Bob 1584cc FXDB
  11. Here are the 3 models we currently have in stock. These generators have barely any mark-up, ill see if we can give OR members any better of a price than the price shown. Let me know if your interested. (click on the picture to view yamaha spec's) EF2000iS EF2600 EF5200DE
  12. ICEMAN

    Iron Pony sucks

    gotcha!!!! and when i take 33, i always end up going to IP. LOL
  13. ICEMAN

    Iron Pony sucks

    no way. its def not easier. its more of a PITA. 77 to turnpike is the easiest way. it takes the same amount of time. ive drove both ways many times. all the little towns that are 35mph and the 2 lane roads. depends on what mood im in basically. lol
  14. ICEMAN

    Iron Pony sucks

    you know what really sucks, i work at a different dealership, and i still love going to Iron Pony to check things out. Noone will ever have the inventory they do! and i still end up buying things there everytime i go, even tho i know i can just order it at work and get it cheaper, usually, on my discount, i still buy it at IP. like there 30 dollar riding jackets that are waterproof and have the thermal liner, i bought that and a pair of pants that are waterproof and have a thermal liner, and they zip together and are padded. best set of riding gear ive purchased! we might stop in monday evening on our way back from North Carolina. Not sure if were takin 77 to the turnpike, or 33 to c-bus.
  15. all bikes are welcome. I go just about every day, every year. Never had a problem with my sport bike. always been accepted. If someone isnt nice, they get rubber in there face. I havent done it, but my buddies have. Every now and then you get the morons who think there HD is the baddest. It does get bored after a few days. The last friday and saturday are ALWAYS the best days! the block party downtown is awesome every year. especially 2 years ago when Saliva rocked the streets. Best Yet! and Buckcherry was awesome. Ill be there every day this year.
  16. Yamaha Generators are available at Schiets! Call us at 419.332.9902 for our inventory and your price!
  17. That is correct! We will always service Harley Davidson motorcycles. Although, we cannot do any warranty work obviously. But if your Harley is out of a warranty, or needs something other than warranty work done, bring her on in! Dont worry!! We dont treat it any different b/c its a Harley! Thats a promise!
  18. We ordered one package of each color, so call Schiets (419-332-9902) and ask what colors are available before you head in, and ask them to hold it for you if its in stock!! Retail is around 15 bucks each package, which is enough to do 2 wheels!! You will have a lil left over to, for any screw ups!! I'll knock 15% off for OhioRiders members. Ill give more discount, if you purchase more than one.
  19. To All Ohio Riders Members. Our website, www.schietsmotorsports.com, has recently been changed to a new provider. This new provider allows site guests to search for all parts and accessories for there bike only. You dont have to look through hundreds of pages of online magazines, you can make our website do it for you, and give you a list of everything available for your bike! CHECK IT OUT!!! ive been spending all night tonight looking at parts for my 98 CR80RB, my newly acquired 88 CR250R. Its awesome!!!! When i get back to work on Tuesday, i will be setting up a 20% off discount for everyone, for ANY OEM ONLINE PART ORDER!!! give me til the middle of next week to get it complete! Thanks for your patience and understanding!!
  20. thanks man. have you set it up, or done it yet?
  21. you sayin a new 250 frame? you got ne pics?
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