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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. you can see the hub (entire wheel) moving a lil bit, but the hub is not moving seperately from the rim when i wiggle it. its def the bearings. (its nice to be on a forum where people actually talk about bikes, huh?) haha
  2. haha nice! thx man!! ya ill let you know! i definitely need wheel bearings. theres some play in the front wheel on the dirt rims.
  3. ohhh. i didnt even think about that. i need to do that!!!
  4. sweet. thx! i gotta ask... catch can for what? so what is the point of the lil plate and 2 bolts on the front sprocket? yah ill be dropping the forks thru a lil bit!! bout an inch or 2. ill try it at normal height first. man, look at that hair fly!!!! you did all the motor work then, i did all the bearing work now. so now its a real good runnin bike! yah the bike didnt look as good as it does in that pic, when i bought it. but for what i paid for it, it was def a good deal!!
  5. also, is there a circlip holding the front sprocket on on your 85? i went to put the sprocket on last night and realized i have the 2 lil bolts and the plate that bolts to the sprocket and the sprocket. but what holds the sprocket on? im guessing im missing a circlip or something. or is there nothing?
  6. thx! will do! im gonna get some practice in here with the guys at the local track. hell, this is my first dirtbike, and i only rode it on dirt once, at our sales managers house, before i tore it down. hes got a nice track (no jumps, just a shitload of turns) behind his house. take 2 min. per lap, so its a nice one! and theres a gun range down the middle of it!!! but i have CR250 for dirt now! also, whats the lil black cylinder above the gray left side cover?
  7. nice! me likey!!! i like the all white. somethign i was lookin at since i powdercoated everything red!. but im making up my own graphics too! so itll all get covered anyways. i looked at ur sig, but not up top, lol. mine will look a hair weird since i have longer forks. itll be nice tho, cuz im 6'1"
  8. i think i have about 15 speeding tickets and about a shoebox or 2 full of warnings. 4-5 sound tickets. (luckily they never took any of my audio). just one ticket within the past 4 years. those were mostly back in high school.
  9. got the clutch plates all replaced and springs too. valves got shimmed (15 of the 16 got shimmed). and new plugs. old plugs and clutch didnt look bad at all. but i still wanted them replaced. old clutch plates
  10. got a lot of stuff cleaned up last night. and i got the swingarm, linkage, and pegs mounted. still cleaning a lot of crap!!
  11. ive got my Sidi's and Joe Rocket gauntlets from trackdays with the R5 still, im keeping those. so i just need a suit! its ok, i got a good deal on the suit, ill check with our Tucker Rocky rep and see if any big specials are comin up!!!! i need to quit wearin my Sidi's in the dirt!!! lol you ridin down there? if so, what bike u got?
  12. now that i wont be going 160+, im not worried about a VERY good suit, which ends up being expensive. what are rules for racing these things for gear? just so i get whats needed for racing, so i dont have to worry about buying in the future if need-be. ive got textile pants and a textile jacket that have the 8" zipper that zip 2gether. which ill use up here at the lil go kart track.
  13. theres 3 of us at schiets that have S/Motos that would like to head down there too. Tony - director of operations has a CR85 that he is ordering 12's for Dan - one of the tech's, has a 110 thats all hopped up, and his buddy we all would like to head down there sometime too!! it sucks i sold my leather one piece, i shouldve kept it, lol.
  14. the 80 is 3/4 done. just the radiator and rear end is left (couple hours). waaaaaaaaay too much left on the ninja. its just as easy to put forks on as it is the handlebars, and i need them on first so i can get it rollin.
  15. hahahahaha. Hector, get back to work, who said you could stop?
  16. hahahaha... I have never used a Honda generator (but only ehard good, same with yamaha), but i have used the 2000 watt yamaha with my buffer for my car. The 2000 watt has an economy setting where it will run even more quiet, and only at 900 watts, and it will kick in extra power when needed. My buffer takes about 14-1500 watts to start up. it barely had to kick into gear to get the buffer started and working on my car. I was able to buff a few panels on my car without any interuption in power. It never backed down and stayed in economy mode the entire time. It also has an inverter. So you can charge things such as laptops, etc... without spikes in power like you can get in the bigger generators. That is the reason that the price of the 2000 and 2600 are around the same. The 2000 watt has a lot of options. Its definitely the generator i will be buying.
  17. will do. it will be finished by end of next weekend. LOL. oh yes. this one will def be finished quick. hell, i dont have the motor in the ninja yet. i didnt touch the forks on this bike. i rebuilt the forks on the ninja, not this thing. ill see if it needs it after riding the tracks this summer.
  18. bought this bike for a great price. i paid 450 for this bike. top and bottom end rebuild not too long ago new chain and sprockets, new tires, and more stuff!! extra seat, extra plastics too. i tore it down and JUST got the frame, swingarm, triples, subframe, and linkage powdercoated mirror red. and got it mostly back together saturday night. I also bought 12" rims with street tires so i can ride this beast on road tracks too, mainly go kart tracks tho. we have one here in fremont that we will be hitting up a lot this year!!! but i can stil switch out the sprckets, chain, and rims and ride dirt!! this thing was dirrty when i got it, dirty enuff to where i had to steel wool everything, lol. looks awesome now!!! my 12's should be in end of this upcoming week!! enjoi the pics!!!!!!!!!! this is when i first got it home. the air filter was so bad it tore apart just tuching it, tat got replaced along with the throttle cable when i got it home (had a kink)... here is the bike steering stem bearings. all bearings in steering stem, linkage, and swingarm got replaced. here are the rims i bought. (the bike is LOW as hell, and it has slip ons! its a CR85 2 stroke) and here is what i did this weekend. got the stuff home saturday after work at schiets, had Dan, one of the tech's, put all the bearings back in. i got it home and got to work!!!!
  19. thanks!! i havent had that for 4-5 years. i LOVED that truck. wish i still had it. thing was powerful and looked awesome and handled awesome!!! i really miss it. if i could find another white one for the right price, id be ALLLLLL over it!!! i had the mirrors and chevy emblem on the grille painted white, totally changed the look of the truck. but urs is already black, so it dont matter, lol. but u could do the emblem, if you havent already. white or black on those truck is the best. hopefully this year, lol. im hoping by the end of summer for that. i work 3 jobs and have the CR80 to finish and a CR250 to get running b4 i get back on the ninja.
  20. USED bike added to the list! at very nice price for Ohioriders members!!!!!
  21. Green ZX10 is SOLD. Monster and Green ZX6R's both sold. currently have 2 blue 09 ZX6R's in stock!!
  22. Here are a few videos of how quiet 2 of the generators are. You can talk normally someone without any problems! You can link 2 of the 2000 watt generators together to make a 4000 watt generator. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRyLrGP9buo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h_DuEEJ4kI
  23. i had a HUGE woodchuck run in between my front and rear tire bout 5 years ago on my 05 gs500f. i had been riding for maybe 2-3 months. popped my back tire in the air about a foot at about 40-50 mph. this woodchuck was friggin HUGE. lol.
  24. well now that i sold my 06 R6, i have more money and i am finishing up my 98 CR80 for supermoto here in the next few weeks, have 12" rims and tires on the way! then get my CR250 running, and im back on the ninja! need to rebuild the calipers and master cylinders. haha, for something i want to be as perfect as i can think it will be (all in my head) i have patience. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. now thats funny!! sorry if you dont get to see it. i will lay a pic by your grave. and if im dead b4 it gets finished, when someone finishes it, please lay a pic by my grave! hahaha. UPDATE... got the motor cleaned up and all new clutch plates and springs, got 15 of the 16 valves shimmed, and new plugs. stock clutch looked pretty damn good, it does only have 20K. plugs, who knows when changed last, if changed, looked pretty damn good.
  25. bag of nuts and bolts sold.
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