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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. Now that I ordered a card that's worthy enough a long recording time I'm stoked to get my bike done!! Def going to get some sweet video at the kart track on the 80 and rippin thru some fields on the 250. Ah, I'm pumped. Expecially since I spent 8 hourd this weekend on the 250 getiing things done.
  2. I recently purchased a GoPro HD. I have the chest mount, bar mount, and the mounts that came with it. I had a motorsports wide, NON HD before, but the quiality in this HD gopro is insane!! you can do the widescreen (kinda fisheye) at 170 degrees at 720P, the 1080P is not so wide at 120 degrees. i just ordered a 16GB card for 25 bucks off ebay, ill let you know what i get it and ill take some video, ill try to have the 80 or 250 running by then! otherwise ill put it on our mustang and go have some fun! ive only done some little things on a small SD card to check out the clarity. im also ordering an extra battery, it comes with lith-ion rechargeable batteries, its only 20 bucks retail price for an extra. Im also getting the LCD playback screen. im not worried about the extra battery pack for the camera (use 2 batteries at the same time for extra life) since i am only ordering a 16GB card. 16 GB card gives you about 1.5-2 hours of full 1080P and a battery lasts for about 2.5 hours. it can handle up to a 32GB card. here are some youtube videos. youtube basically sells this camera itself, lol. best to watch them both in 720 if you have a fast enough connection. this is a hell of a video, and a hell of a set of trails!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4iU-EOJYK8&feature=related this is my favorite video b/c i want to base jump so god damn bad!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRzhBkZNQFI
  3. Carmies on 224 just 1 mile east of 53 has a bike night every thurs night. Schiets is the main sponsor. We will be out there tonight if yoour not busy. I will not be there 2nite but the director of operations and sales manager will be there.
  4. you guys could always meet up at schiets and take rte 6 to sandusky from there!!! unless your coming from cleveland. but if your coming from the couth, you could use it as a stopping/meet point. your only 35 min from sandusky from here.
  5. I bought a wrecked sv1000 from the guy years back to replace the blown motor in mine. Good guy, not sure on these tires. Just seen the post, just figured id throw it up.
  6. http://www.wreckedbikes.net/showproduct.php?product=22&cat=3 its in New York.
  7. "There are only really two types of motorcycle custom shops in the world – the ones that customize Harleys and the ones that do it wrong." hahaha
  8. thx. ya i dont feel like gettin shot in the back!! i wont stop. lol. ill prolly never have it at schiets. unless it ever needs motor work
  9. thanks! i just need a catch can now.
  10. are we talking about the same thing?? hahaha. yah ill use that. i have a wire brush for my drill so ill just use that. thank ya!!
  11. awesome thanks man thx!! yah it did go downhill a lil bit. im steel wool'n everything to shine it all back up. like the bottom of the forks, the levers, rims, sprockets, rotors, etc... thats why its takin so long, im makin everything look good again. steel wool'd the motor too!! the sprockets i have are 420 sprockets. your chain looked like a 220 chain. the chain you had still looks good, just needs cleaned, but i want an o-ring chain for the supermoto. as long as it was stolen from officer white!!! hahaha what can i do to clean those holes? im gonna have to drill em all out.
  12. i just got my 12's last night. so i got the front wheel on, cleaned up the header (it was REALLY bad). got that on. im still cleaning up the rear brake set-up. going to buy an o-ring chain at schiets today when i get it, hopefully we have the 420 i want, in stock. heres the latest after last night. front rear with new lightweight sprocket finally with front on! good thing i got this supermoto style fender. The dirt one would look Ritard'd. this one is about 4 inches shorter in the front. with header cleaned up and put on the packing that was in it. yummy!! getting this repacked today. now clean
  13. definitely!! you still got the stock pipes in your avatar!!!! the Monster Bottle Cap fork covers are awesome!! dont forget to print your coupon for a free monster!!
  14. nice meetin you too man! no, no problems at all. everyone was taken care of so it was all good. BTW, that bike sounded BAD AZZ when you left!! Thats a hell of a first bike! lol
  15. haha, a lil more than 25K!!
  16. if there not, start one up again! just start showin up! ill head over to noe sometime if you guys do.
  17. hahahahaha... BURN HIM!!
  18. no way. i'd rock it!
  19. http://carshopster.com/detail/Bentley-Turbo-R-1989_5547920953348098084.html i would love to have this!
  20. LOL. thank you for understanding!!!
  21. i do it b/c i think of it at my main job, then when i get to the bike shop, i post the details. Otherwise i wont remember. even if i write a note, i wont remember to read it.
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