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Everything posted by Zecho

  1. Zecho


    The guy J talked to at ask said to buy one, I had thought about cutting it, but assumed there was a good reason not to. Sounds like it's getting snipped.
  2. Theboy wanted to see some wheelie action so I called Jason and we hit an empty warehouse parking lot. We had a blast just playing around while theboy and thewoman took pics. Just goes to show even the best cell phone camera is still a cell phone camera.
  3. That means I can do ~600 mph in 6th gear right?
  4. My advice is . . . get a bike bigger than he is. If he doesn't respect it once he gets the hang of it, he'll end up hurting himself. My bike will do ~100 in first gear. I respect the hell out of it. A ninja 250 is a toy after a week or so. It's more likely going to get someone hurt or in trouble than something 600+.
  5. Off the wall . . . not off the hook!!
  6. Zecho

    Kill Story

    I was chillin in thewoman's '04 GTP Comp G headed for Taco Bell when some 80's cavalier rolled up makin all kinds of noise next to me (either fart can exhast or just plain rusted exhaust) at a red light. When the light turned green, he actually called me out and spun his left tire!!!!! Well OMG did I have to show him! I dropped the GTP into "M" (anyone know what that stands for?) And went to work on the paddle shifters. I was spinning through first and second gear and through the smoke, all I could see was some dumb shit staring at me wondering how the wagon family truckster was blowing him away. That's one less redneck thinking he's cool with his purple tint that's all bubbled in the back window. I swear, by the time I hit 30 mph, he was a blip in my rearview.
  7. Post the most off the wall, random pic you have.
  8. Zecho


  9. Zecho


    Anyone know where we can get a short kickstand for Jason's bike? He's lowering his 929 2 inches and needs to find one asap. Of course, I told him that if he loses two inches, I'm gonna start calling him Jane.
  10. Zecho

    Running Rich

    It's totally stock. I haven't pulled the air filter yet, but plan to as soon as I run some gas out of the tank.
  11. Zecho

    Running Rich

    Went up to ASK. The guy came out and basically said to replace my air filter. . . . Then said if that doesn't work, buy a power commander. I really don't want to spend that kind of money on a bike that is completely stock, and will most likely stay that way.
  12. Zecho

    Cheap bike

    saw this on CL. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/330209800.html
  13. Yep, they're sure nice bikes. http://www.spmoto.ch/img/pages/motos/ap ... 5B1%5D.jpg
  14. Zecho

    Running Rich

    ... not to mention you have to leave it on for it to work. It isnt just something to re-program your computer. I'll have to glue the keyhole shut on his trunk lock then. He'll never notice.
  15. Zecho

    Running Rich

    I can steal Jason's when he's not looking. Not like he needs it anyway.
  16. There's a GPR rotary on there as well for $350ish.
  17. Anyone have experience or suggestions for setting my air/fuel?
  18. Is this a good stabilizer for the money? http://tinyurl.com/25he8e
  19. Zecho

    Awesome Cop

    The military does issue Military Drivers licenses for special government vehicle's, I have about a half dozen vehicle's on mine. Never knew that. Of course, I was an FC in the USN. We didn't have a lot of vehicles.
  20. 2008 will be the election to watch. Especially for those of you who don't pay attention to politics. It's the first time the two main opponents are both minorities. We have a black man and a woman as frontrunners so far. Considering John Kerry withdrew his candidacy, that pretty much leaves Giuliani and the two high profile potential candidates: Ralph Nader and Al Gore. Considering most of the opposition, I'm leaning toward Obama or Clinton so far. May be an historic year for the USA. If you would like to give these folks a run for their money, click here[/url:f60ee] and RUN FOR PRESIDENT.
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