haha, Jason just got an AR-15. . . He looks like the unibomber with it. But we're both looking for a good place to go shoot. I'd like to teach theboy how to shoot somewhere other than at a range.
Anyone else into shooting? I just got a new P22 with the Walther laser sight. I've decided to get out of the finance industry and become a hit man, so I'm looking for some place to shoot a few bricks through this and get the laser sight set.
Not as bad as this one. http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/news.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2007-06-25-0021.html the dog catcher caught him and now he's in trouble for showing the cops up.
Sweet, I'll check it out. Are they something I'm going to be worrying the entire trip about? I'm already having bad dreams of my bike coming off the trailer at 75. . .
Just the bare necessity, something I can haul my bike and a couple of pocket bikes on to get them to Tx. I don't need anything fancy, just something I can tow behind my Durango.