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Everything posted by *Hollywood*

  1. I'm wanting to get rid of my 96 Honda 900 rr.It is pretty much a stunt bike. It has a freestyle injunuity crash cage, An Apex 12 bar, It also has a rear hand brake. It has an achurvies front end on it. It's got pro taper bars on it. A quick flick clutch.Steel braided brake lines all around.The bike is green. the motor just got refreshed and runs great. It also has 954rr forks.The wheels are painted to match the bike. All you would need to make this bike back to normal is a set of plastics (ebay) Cheap. The frame and subframe and swingarm are gloss black.Its got new tires and chain and brakes front and rear. I also have 3 big ass crates full of spare parts. Everything that you could possibly immagine. Its problay in one of them.I also have 3 full exhuast not including the one that is on it. I was going to ebay everything but i figured i would just throw it all in with the deal. Im looking to get $2500.00 O.B.O. Which for that price it is hard to find one thats not destroyed. Or i would be willing to trade for a car or truck Or even another bike preferably A smaller bike. Nothing smaller then a 600. There is a picture of it inmy sig. I will try to get some more soon. Ps. The bike could almost pay for itself if you sold all the extra stuff that comes with it on ebay
  2. I want the bass fishing game and the slinky& the catfish. Pm me with you number.
  3. How and the hell does this happen http://members.cox.net/bobbydee/Learntoride.wmv
  4. I am looking for a beat up truck. I dont care what kind of truck it is. It has to run though. THe body can be beat down it dosent matter. Let me know thanks.
  5. The new goldwings have built in airbags.Front and rear. I heard
  6. Yes. You can get a stock one. Or a race modified one.
  7. Wow I have never seen one. Thats weird,How does it work?
  8. Went riding with. Adam228723(Nick) tonite. It was good times.
  9. Wow she's hot. Why would you ever want to fuck that up?
  10. Yea for 30 min wheelies.
  11. This is the longest freeway wheelie that I have ever seen. Ps. Also note,that he isnt using the rear brake at any time. http://www.qatarspeed.com/videos/talalwheelie.wmv This is a huge file.
  12. Wow. Their not affraid to ask a shit load.
  13. Has anyone played the game Tourist Trophy? I bought it a couple of days ago,And I cant stop playing it. This game is badass. I would recomend it to everyone who likes motorcycles.
  14. You should watch Getaway in Stockholm 2
  15. This has gotta be the funniest shit I have ever read.
  16. Ya I was just riding with him,Justin and micha yesterday.
  17. I got to 117 then I think I blew my mouse up.
  18. I will call you tommaro somtime.
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