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Posts posted by jhaag

  1. He is a constitutionalist, he wants states rights, he wants to reign in big govt, and let me tell you, he speaks the plain truth, and can speak volumes of common sense. So yes, according to some of this, he might be considered unelectable.....to those who want slick talking presidents like Barry or to those who want their handouts, or to those who do not believe in our living constitution.

    Ron Paul hates minorities....hmmm, have never heard that one before. I do know he is against illegal aliens, is against all that goes with them, wants to secure our borders. If you consider that hating minorities, well I guess you are right.

    i was just being sarcastic. i'm a huge fan of the good doctor.

    i just thought i would post that stuff before the people who know he is undeniable as the best politician for the people, but just refuse to admit it, posted it. :)

  2. you can also try old tide dispensers. They have the little push thing that would work nicely for flow control. Most of them have a relive cap that can easily be removed for cleaning.

    good idea, but i dont have enough time to do all the laundry i'd have to do to empty the bottle. :p

    Take it to a plating shop. Shouldn't cost more than $30-$40.

    they can do the inside, you think?

    Abandon the idea completely and hollow out a manican leg.


    Fill it 1/3 full with super hot water, some detergent and a handfull of new nuts and bolts. Shake the hell out of it for a half hour or so. Dump. Rinse.

    Fill it full of a 50/50 solution of hot water & bleach. Let it sit overnight. Dump. Rinse. Rinse again.

    Come up with a funny name for it and print it out and tape it on.......Mind Extinguisher or something.......Have fun!

    i think i got it pretty clean, although i didnt think of putting an abrasive agent in there. its the surface of the inside that is my concern. it seems to have whatever is used in the manufacturing process on it. if you wipe your finger in there it comes out greasy and speckled with Al bits. i would probably drink out of it as is, but wouldnt expect anyone else to...

  3. ok, so i'm going to a party in a couple of weeks. this party involves a white elephant gift exchange for which you bring a unique vessel out of which to drink alcohol. so, in my infinite cheepness, i came across an expired fire extinguisher. i removed the top, its threaded btw, and dumped out the powder. the msds on the powder let me know that its non-toxic so whoever drinks out of it will, at least, not die. i cleaned it out, but the inside of the aluminum bottle is not polished or finished or anything. i found this out when i stuck my finger inside and wiped the edge and it came out black (no dirty vag jokes, please). so, it appears that the inside is not treated and i think, i good taste, i need to coat the inside with something. i've found that a lot of water bottle co's line their Al bottles with a plastic epoxy. does anyone know where i can get this or a food grade paint to coat the inside? i figures at the very least one could shake it up if it had beer in it for pressure or i could bring a pancake air compressor if needed, to aid in drinking.


  4. nice vids. i saw that today while i was "working". i eat that shit up. so many vids out there with proof. i traveled to Phoenix once for work and had seen the video about the slow moving triangle that hovered over the city then sped off, well the engineer i was working with over there had us over for beers and brats and told us how they were chillin in their pool and saw the whole thing. pretty cool.

    beam me up.

  5. '97 Toyota 4Runner...Limited.......just make sure to tell him to get ready for all the chicks he's going to get! :cool:

    FWIW, i drove a CRV AWD in southern utah this summer and while i know its the desert and not the tundra i was pretty impressed how well it did. five dudes with the cargo area and roof packed with gear it never bottomed out and never spun a wheel through unmaintained roads and washouts. not hard core off-roading, but worth a mention. i couldnt help but be impressed. i've also done an Audi A4 Quattro around pittsburgh in the winter with nary an issue.

    at any rate, it sounds like he's in for a good winter.

  6. thanks for the replys, guys!

    i use uTorrent right now, but i dont see where the option is to update it. do i need to uninstall and reinstall a newer version? its seems there would be an update option in one of the menus, but i dont see it. i think this is the prob because there used to be a small window that popped up when i initiated the download and now it doesnt do it. i may try another program, if i cant get it.

    as far as a firewall, does the wireless connection i get through the wall from my neighbor count? :o

    also, my activities are totally legit. i mostly look for funny pics for caturday. :cool:

  7. I've had no problem with utorrrent lately, maybe try to uninstall in reinstall.

    I mean, what's a torrent, don't download illegal music, its bad. Guns are bad as well. :)

    oh, well what i meant was, 'a friend of mine' was asking.....:D

    i was looking...er, i mean, 'my friend'...was looking for a way to update it, but never thought of uninstall/reinstall. he'll give it a try tonight.

    also, guns are bastards. :(

  8. (affix tinfoil hat)

    so, i've gotten a lot of music downloading from torrentreactor.com through the uTorrent program. however, lately when i go to torrentreactor and search for music it will take me to the link for download and when i click it it just goes to a white screen. also, the uTorrent program search function wont bring up .torrents like it used to.

    any ideas? are they on to me?

  9. One of MANY reasons to have a paper trail.

    yeah, i was pointing that out because its annoying that politicians guise things like this as a means to protect the public (stolen goods) when its really for getting more tax money to waste.

    like when i got a form from the state about how much i made off of my 600rr when i sold it (asking price, actual sale price, how much cash i got, etc; someone else started a thread like that some time ago). i told the form to go f**k itself and i figure its somewhere in the middle of the land fill now. the point is that its seems obvious to me that they are trying to keep tabs on secondhand cash sales between individuals for reason of taxing them. what next, i'll have to pay taxes for doing someone a favor? i mean, a service was performed which could have been payed for.

    if anyone/thing needs to be on a fixed income its the govt.

    ...but, i'm sure everyone will just roll over an comply like is the norm these days.

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