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Posts posted by jhaag

  1. :lol:

    she broke our garage door last night and felt really bad. Everyone was too drunk to bother dealing with it and I ended up fixing it in 5 mins after work today so thats what the beer was for I guess

    sweet! guilt can be a wonderful thing.

  2. today was supposed to be day 1 of backing off weekday drinking, how am I supposed to do that when I get home from work and theres a 12 pack of yuengling on the fridge with a note that says "sorry you had a bad day, save me 4 for when i get off work"

    sounds like you've got a really great boyfriend! sounds like a keeper...

  3. A. I don't think

    B. Since I can occasionlly be a whore ( see I want peni thread) I have a little insight to the "whore logic" that bad stated above. Said cunt is either using this a shitty excuse to get of the relationship because she is a needy attention whore-cunt, she is an insecure-cunt who can't deal with the fact that he gets more enjoyment out of an inatament object than her, or she is a good 'ol fashion cunt who just needs to STFU and get back in the kitchen.


  4. Knives are bad. Only police should carry them. Knives cause more cuts each year than any other sharp object on this Earth. I carry a scar on my pinky as a daily reminder of their inherent dangers.

    Statistically, U.S. children are 87% more likely to cut themselves on a knife than on a hi-capacity handgun.


  5. i found mine on CL. there are some good ones on there every once in a while, but you have to act fast. there is a pretty good population of 'yakers around here. i have about $600 in mine and the boat was $400. most of the outdoor type stores have accessories for kayaks, too.

    since i dont have a moto, its good cheap "fun" for now. :( plus, there are plenty of rivers/creeks that you can go to. there's always plenty of tail around, too. :cool:

  6. i do. going to aep this weekend. i have a 13' wilderness adventures Monteo. nothing crazy, just paddle clips on the side, a rod holder in front of the seat and tie offs on either side for the anchor. it works pretty well, but doesnt help me catch fish any better.....:(

  7. bummer.

    i met him once. we were partying at The Candlewood Suites at Polaris right behind QSL after a wedding reception. we had to go to the lobby after 2am so as not to disrupt our fellow guests. well, Warrant played Polaris amp that night and were, evidently, staying there too. so i'm hanging outside with a couple of smokers and here comes Jani Fucking Lane wearing a Browns Bernie Kosar jersey! lol, hells yeahs! and we chatted with him through a couple smokes. super cool dude, pretty funny guy, too.

    anyway.....RIP, duder.

  8. International flights leave Port Columbus multiple times a day. If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you should be on one.

    damn bro, if you want to ask me out on a date just do it, already!

    i'll let you know now, though, that i am going to say no because i am into chicks. but, i aint mad at ya, we can still be friends as long as you always keep in mind that there is no chance for us as a couple.

  9. SBS are my fav and last time i bought them they were about the same price as ebc hh. no break in procedure, no fade under track conditions (i know you dont ride track, but...) and are consistent throughout their life. of the two sets of ebc's i've tried i might as well have put blocks of wood in there after two track days......shitty.
  10. i've come to realize that this country doesnt deserve a Ron Paul.

    lets just stay with business as usual, Keynesian economics, fiat money, the establishment, power to the powerful, complacency, apathy, etc, etc, etc......its worked so well so far!!



    beam-me-the-fuck-up, already!

  11. ron paul was an answer......er, question on jeopardy tonight. he ran for pres in '88 under the libertarian party. i got it right, but didnt phrase my answer as a question. :(

    also, his stance isnt against defending our interests via military, it is for not occupying those nations, be they sovereign or not, afterwards.

  12. That's all I need to know. Thanks.

    He is a dumb ass who has no idea about how the military is to be used or how it was used by our founding fathers. If he wants to change its role he will never get my support even if I agree with him on every other issue.

    enlighten us, if you please.

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