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Posts posted by Linc5.0

  1. agricultural business. Schmelmer Services, LLC. (it is a sole proprietorship). Though next year I am going S-corp...went LLC cuz thats what my accountant told me to do. lol. Im going S-corp cuz i can put myself on payroll, and there are several other beneficial reasons
  2. Dont rototill the soil . this process causes the soil to settle unevenly and wakes up tons of weed seeds that will compete with the new grass. Winter seeding is a good way to go if you dont want to wait till fall...Remove all fallen leaves and twigs from the areas to be reseeded. This will help to insure seeds can make a good seed to soil contact.Apply your seed to those areas 4 to 5 seeds per inch.(i know technical)Freezing and thawing will occur, causing the seed to have a natural seedbed. The seed will germinate in spring when the soil warms to the proper germination temperatures. I suggest if you go this route, do it ASAP. Again the best time is early september with a high nitrogen fertalizer.
  3. if you decide to use the bobcat I have an attachment that works wonders, its called a harley rake....it spins at high rate of speed and basically does the same as tilling but alot faster and it is easier cuz your not doing the work. Let me know if you are interested, but I would have to charge ya cuz its my partners attachment...and he'll prolly want couple bucks...Fall is the best time to seed, but ifyou decide to do it this time of year I suggest using a split seeder for best results....
  4. i just saw a commercial...it just said that its in the old jc penny store..Not that it is jcpenny going out of business...said 3-9 today , 10-6 tomorrow, and sometime sunday...its like one of those expo type things....just there and not at the expo center
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