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Posts posted by Linc5.0

  1. Just got in from plowing it is now friday morning roughly 2ish. I have been out for the past three days and nights and only had 7 hours of sleep. A customer of mine decided to give me 9 commercial trucking company lots in hilliard and groveport.

    Had to buy new snow blower $1016.00. New salt spreader, $1463.00.

    Two bobcat rentals, $900.00

    Gas ?(I dont even wanna look at my receipts).

    Salt, $3000.00

    Calcium, $500.00

    Hired help $2,500.00

    Knowing that I just spent $8k and Will still make well over 10k in profit....Priceless.

  2. Damn sam, I double my prices anything over 4 inches...You need to bring down that number.lol. Maybe we can meet up after the big push for some coffee or a bite to eat...and discuss the large amounts of money we must play with.AHAHAHAHAH :woowoo:
  3. I have permission to be there. Actually written permission to stunt ride my motorycycle there, so im sure they wont mind me driving a vehicle...a lot that is not locked up is a PUBLIC lot and all they can do is tell you to leave
  4. lawnman-i own my truck.i know that is the going rate cuz ive been asked to do sub work by companies(ie rockyfork)and that is what they offer...also saw in the paper a company askin for subs and stated in the add $55.i wouldnt work for that NO.lol.but if someone bought a truck and didnt have many accounts it better than nothing
  5. the reason i got mad is cuz i dont need someone who doesnt know me...telling me that i have a daughter....that is a give in. people are lecturing me about being stupid in a parking lot(i admit to) but hey lets go do some illegal drag racing on the public streets...dont get that. Someone said something about getting a dui...I dont drink so NO that will not happen.i posted this topic cuz it was something funny that happen to me and my vehicle. That is all, I drifted in a parking lot for 45 minutes and had a blast...right before I left we decided to drag down the lot(bad idea). Yes I agree not a smart idea in my truck that I use for work. But atleast i wasnt out being a jackass on public roads. Believe me i know how stupid it was, my wife and truck let me know everyday.lol. I know that this summer if someone posts about getting pulled over for speeding,drag racing,whatever...or wrecks their vehicle while drag racing, drifting,whatever....IM not gonna be a complete prick to them about it cuz I know that they all ready know what they did. I posted the topic cuz i knew that it would of been brought up anyway because I was with cr people. So I thought I would just come out and say that it happened, and what happened. That is all. Thanks to everyone for hopefully understanding where im coming from if not...pm me and we can discus..
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