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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. there is a place in new albany...ill let you know when i find it. the guy did my buddies and he does very good work.
  2. http://www.lm-spares.co.uk/acatalog/Engine_Spares_Advert.html they may have some stuff...didnt look but i had it book marked.
  3. Dragknee...No FUCKING shit...it was a joke. When i worked at classic cycles we used to laugh at people that called them gixxers cuz they would come and and be like" i ride a gixxer" or i have a "SRAD". Notice the laughing smiley face u moron.
  4. yes,but while your in there might as well replace everything else!
  5. I mean they make upgrades for every bike ever made...so finding a crank, pistons,etc shouldnt be hard
  6. putty-Hey my cousin has a 99 busa...lowered with a pipe.ill race you come spring..im impartial to this because I dont care either way. Id just like to race, and see the results. im more a stunter, but have done plenty of freeway racing in my day. Be happy to help settle this arguement.
  7. Pedro...What is a GIXXER? I know what a GSX-R is...just not a GIXXER...
  8. ill sell you my pocket oriental kid....
  9. Linc5.0

    354 hrs

    i get paid like i work 80hrs a week and only work 30...oh yea I own the company. then again during the winter i only get paid if it snows :bs:
  10. I know that I have a 6 month old daughter, and when she is old enough to...go to the movies, or to the mall with friends she will have a cell phone. Im not saying im gonna buy her a cell phone...but I am saying that she will have one...either mine or my wife's. There are too many instinces that I could think of that I would rather her have one then not....just my .02
  11. :bs: watched it...weak as hell all tittie shots...and NO sex. Lame
  12. The 426 ex is my buddies.hes got a fully built motor and it is fast as hell. I had a fully built 440 and he used to beat me,especially in top end. i would compare it to any new 4wheeler out there. He has beat trx450r's, but rider has something to do it too....
  13. my buddy and i may go.. RM 125 and trx 426 ex
  14. as i recall a 93 motor doesnt fit in a 97. i think its 93-95 or 96 then 97-99.not positive, but i remember a buddy of mine had a 94, tried puttin a 97 motor and didnt fit
  15. http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:EQV8Iqchfr-3uM:http://www.olavsplates.com/foto/nz_23tio.jpg
  16. "i drive it...i break it..." is the motor together? I have a cart and am lookin for a donor motor. id be interested for sure. let me know.
  17. Benz guy...do you live over off of East powell rd? Pretty sure I saw your maroon cougar in the parking lot of an apt complex?
  18. i agree about the hotel. ur never in the bitch. last time i went out i stayed at paris,and it was pimp. but i was so fucked up that i really dont remember the hotel. Also anyone that thinks four days is short in VEGAS is not doing it right. When I go I maybe sleep 2-3 hours a night. Then take the red eye home so I can maximize my time....ps. dont plan on going to work that following day.lol. have fun. ill be there in April and July.
  19. http://www.londonist.com/attachments/sizemore/welcome_to_pig_city.jpg
  20. ha. Funny you mention that I drifted around a corner on North Broadway and Indianola, and following my drift perfectly was a black WRX. It was nice, But my ass end was out farther than his...
  21. the nice thing was i was in all the lots before anyone else...i was drifting the fuck out of my F-250 with my plow on. And i was the only one going the speed limit on the freeway yesterday morning.lol. I love 4-wheel drive.
  22. Just got in from plowing started at 9 am this morning, just got in at 1:30am....long day, BUT damn good money.
  23. Thank you. i was going to look it up in my dad's old records...Andy is very nice and definately knows his shit.My dad took both his jag's to him.
  24. stock to stock i think right around 20hp...i could be wrong. i think the busa puts around 150's to the ground the the zx10 puts 170's...im not sure on my accuracy though
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