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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    im down any day, anytime really.im going to cooper right now to stunt the quad alil bit, see how it wheelies..havent got to ride it yet
  2. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    chris, find me one and ill buy it.lol. AbuseU, im down, im guessing your talking about up in Michigan? Do you use padel tires up there?
  3. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    3k...for all three. My buddy was hurting for money.
  4. Linc5.0

    Ltr 450 riders?

    i am always looking to ride too. let me know
  5. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    Yea what? The raptor definately not for sale....too fuckin fast and fun. Cr 125....ill let you know. but i doubt i will see it
  6. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    how much is your buddy looking to spend? i know what it is worth as I am sure you do. It is in amazing condition. I really dont wanna sell it, but for the right price....maybe
  7. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    I just bought a 01 cr125, 99 cr250, and an 02 raptor 660(not to thrilled bout raptor, but part of the deal). I bought them all together for an amazing price. Anyone wanna ride asap?
  8. im not claiming it is the fastest, i clearly said the "faster you go". I am saying that no one knows what it tops out at cuz no one has just kept it going, and going ,and going,etc. thats all
  9. I remember seeing your car down at IPS one night. Those wheels tuck nicely!
  10. Coltboostin...not impressive??the faster you go the more horsepower it creates,top speed truely unknown cuz no one is willing to attempt topping it out.....not impressive....riiiiiiight.
  11. yea send me pics too please. pre_cision@hotmail.com
  12. Go to vegas, stay at the paris hotel and propose to her on top of the eiffel tower. Thats how i proposed to my wife
  13. Ken is right the concert was sweet. And there were tons of punnany there. I was with the wife, it was her v-day present. Good concert thogh, timbaland was amazing
  14. Ill give you $2500 cash??let me know or call me at 354-9575
  15. Any idea when might be done with the heater? Also, if you were looking for cash how much would you be looking for...im interested.
  16. anyone that says "ive done acouple wheelies with it" IS LYING.lol
  17. sam,pm me your number... I have one off of john glenn,one off of green pointe, and one off of port rd. we can discuss in detail on the phone.
  18. if anyone is interested and in the groveport area(alum creek), and has a plow i could use a sub down that way. let me know.
  19. Just got in from plowing it is now friday morning roughly 2ish. I have been out for the past three days and nights and only had 7 hours of sleep. A customer of mine decided to give me 9 commercial trucking company lots in hilliard and groveport. Had to buy new snow blower $1016.00. New salt spreader, $1463.00. Two bobcat rentals, $900.00 Gas ?(I dont even wanna look at my receipts). Salt, $3000.00 Calcium, $500.00 Hired help $2,500.00 Knowing that I just spent $8k and Will still make well over 10k in profit....Priceless.
  20. Lesco is getting in a shipment tomorrow, Ive reserved acouple pallets....
  21. if you try and sue someone in small claims court you are looking about 2 years before you get your case before a judge. ps. contact the channel 8 news, they have that segment of their show that helps people that get screwed. Threaten with a news story and they will pay up.
  22. its supposed to snow alot tomorrow...Im sure if you drive around long enough someone will hit you.lol
  23. ha this was before that....i got it fixed before i swipped that pole anyways...lol. yes, i feel the burn...and it feels good
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