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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. I dont have my space but i watched his video of him on his fourwheeler, someone with myspace tell him he sux at riding and wheelies...that always gets people that think they are good heated..lol
  2. Yea...what is your area of expertise?I have several friends that are hunters...
  3. i definately wouldnt trust that at all....get his number and call him....or just tell him to fuck off
  4. oh ok...i misunderstood.thanks for the clear up
  5. harrys94tsi...are you calling the ufc low end fighting?If so wow, I dont know what to say to that
  6. Linc5.0

    any landscapers?

    Dont rototill the soil . this process causes the soil to settle unevenly and wakes up tons of weed seeds that will compete with the new grass. Winter seeding is a good way to go if you dont want to wait till fall...Remove all fallen leaves and twigs from the areas to be reseeded. This will help to insure seeds can make a good seed to soil contact.Apply your seed to those areas 4 to 5 seeds per inch.(i know technical)Freezing and thawing will occur, causing the seed to have a natural seedbed. The seed will germinate in spring when the soil warms to the proper germination temperatures. I suggest if you go this route, do it ASAP. Again the best time is early september with a high nitrogen fertalizer.
  7. Ive been out riding my raptor everyday this week.Ill be out again today and prolly tomorrow....Rain does not bother me thank god
  8. Linc5.0

    any landscapers?

    if you decide to use the bobcat I have an attachment that works wonders, its called a harley rake....it spins at high rate of speed and basically does the same as tilling but alot faster and it is easier cuz your not doing the work. Let me know if you are interested, but I would have to charge ya cuz its my partners attachment...and he'll prolly want couple bucks...Fall is the best time to seed, but ifyou decide to do it this time of year I suggest using a split seeder for best results....
  9. only tickets left for fight are $250 and $1000 seats....go to ticketmaster,theyare sellin them. Also they do sell them at the door. I think I got tickets to the fight!Only catch, I have to take the wife
  10. i just saw a commercial...it just said that its in the old jc penny store..Not that it is jcpenny going out of business...said 3-9 today , 10-6 tomorrow, and sometime sunday...its like one of those expo type things....just there and not at the expo center
  11. Joe are you looking for tickets for the fights saturday night?
  12. there arent any poles to hit are there?
  13. ill let you know.MY wife is down there right now pickin up her outfits for the weekend...ill see if she can snag any extra tickets
  14. Chris speaks the truth, I didnt even know the person. But the cop wrecked right out front of my old apt complex, the person walked over and said" he lives right there". Im working on getting the video...if i do, ill post it.It has to be funny.This was like almost 3 years ago...and they still wont release a copy to me...I wonder why?lol
  15. Actually buells handle descently, thats about all they do....
  16. true...no. They have to be heated up to hook right,correct? Back tire i wouldnt worry bout, it was the front that i was thinking of
  17. they dont pay salary, you will get flat rate....i think they start at $15 an hour...NOt positive though...also not much work come winter if stay in ohio
  18. Chris, it was not at night!!!!lol.But Yes those were the days....
  19. 9, describes me pretty well too
  20. Greg Schlemmer,(444-1500). Got me out of fleeing on a motorcyle with suspended liscence, cop wrecking into a fence and tree, getting away and then being ratted out by a neighbor...Three felonies dropped to one misdeamoner(sp) and paying a fine, though the fine was a big one. And all jail time suspended
  21. Linc5.0

    Great deal!

    raptor has the 740 kit, hotcam, jetted,exhaust, and thats all i know of. Im thinking im gonna motard the cr250...
  22. my best friend died when we were 19. Motorcycle accident on olentangy river rd during bucks game...i was at hospital and knew he was dead before his parents got there.My dad died when i was 16, he was 49...cancers a bitch
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