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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Linc5.0

    Hey Dover

    Phil don't want none and. NEither do you old man!
  2. Linc5.0

    Hey Dover

    im in, find someone who wants to fight me tho....
  3. Linc5.0

    Hey Dover

    I'm on CRC and fit none of the criteria same with most on there dumbass
  4. that motor runs on bio diesel ;}
  5. i gotta agree i dont think it was necessarily funny... but damn what a beating.
  6. jonesy love ya bro, hit me up 6143549575. lets grab a drink and catch up...
  7. if mark carlyle can stop his vette before the end of shut off area anyone should....just sayin!
  8. Linc5.0

    Anthony Green

    i still love you... your car was the first car that i ever went 150 in and it had a nitrous bottle in the back next to the baby seat....kisses boo
  9. to be fair 93.6 percent that are alreay on here arent this.....
  10. Linc5.0


    At first I was thinking "Ahhh this thread kinda delivers" now... I'm like "delivered like 8pd 6 ounce black baby Jesus "!!!
  12. hell of a sleeper if someone thru a different motor.
  13. curbs are built in to the ground, they are just poored on top so they can break apart pretty easily...ive never damaged a curb but ive destroyed my fair share of speed bumps.lol
  14. And made more than you do in a month
  15. my bday is saturday at 9 bar 23 downtown...please come text me if you feel frisky 6143549575
  16. Maybe ill drive the plow truck and if anyone elists towards me ill plow their truck over
  17. A real job? I have accounts that pay me weather it snows or not. and when it does snow I make another roughly 4-5 k a night just in the salting side of it...who's the cunt now?
  18. Great Cars imo. i wouldnt hesitate to by myself one as a great DD
  19. So I am really glad i started this thread. It is good to see the educated side of CR. I am also supporting Ron Paul, this is the first election I actually care about. Its crazy how you start to care when you see someone fuck shit up as bad as the past years (and NO I am not just blaming Obama.) I hope that more people speak up and spread the word to help our nation as a whole cus you all know we need it. Cheers!
  20. Whats up with everyone saying "faggot" on this site...damn
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