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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Linc5.0

    Rc cars

    Get toys u can ride
  2. parents, inheritance, trust fund, stripping....i could go on lol
  3. It's a 1960 chevy and it's 1500 bucks. Runs but needs front and rear glass
  4. This is the truck I am going to look at this week. has a 327 and tranny out of a corvette. http://images.craigslist.org/5P55R05S43n03ma3l3bbh42ada7c7ad0e10b5.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/5Y15Z15P43kd3pe3l9bbh7ef0696310b2183f.jpg
  5. i forget how to post a pic....
  6. Clearly it's a thrown together, pieced together hot rod. They look ratty thus rat rod. Makes sense to me.
  7. Ya alil bit of both really. I will be buying a project that is started that I will complete. Going to look at a 196o truck this week.
  8. I'm doing a 50-60's truck, chopped,bagged,Flat black, white wall tires, probably blown motor
  9. I know what I like, just wantedbto see what others like.
  10. Linc5.0


    Love it Ryan! Really nice
  11. So I'm in the market for a rat rod. Anyone have one?thoughts or favorites?
  12. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    To be fair, I only started this to be a dick towards admins Cus I know I can't be banned I mean come on I ' mow anthonys lawn" , I "trim his hedges", I "edge his walkways". I " maintain his lot" if you know what I mean. ((all sexual references)) I really don't give a fuck and am jelly that I am not a mod. That is all
  13. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    Jeff I said you came off that way, not that you did. Just the wording of what you said. Idc either way just what I noticed. I would post anything anywhere including a fb page, but that's just me a straight shooter who holds back for no one. But I see what you are saying, not everyone is like that thus they talk shit and speak untruths. I get both sides really.
  14. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    I'm not bent outta shape at all. And yes people should be able to say what they want, most here are smart enough to tell the difference bt truth and bullshit. What phil said was not banable is all I am saying.
  15. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    Allow anyone to say what they want about anyone else or any shop. That should be there right as long as not a threat as we know... Jeff came off as talking down to in his words " pick up's" but does anyone get butthurt and demand it removed? No, Cus he should be able to say what he wants just like anyone else. Course that's just how Jeff is, we have learned to accept it;) ( just playing with ya Jeff)
  16. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    I am actually using the extra dots correctly. They are supposed to be used to show an unfinished thought, I have many more thoughts to express but used those just to show my more important points.
  17. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    I knew someone would throw this card, congrats you're the limp dick that did. I've read the stickies, all I am saying is 5 years ago it was way more liberal than it is now. I know the rules and I don't think half the stuff thrown out is breaking them.
  18. Linc5.0

    Tight ass's

    We used to Be able to say whatever we want... Now this website is like nazi regime... It's getting rediculous. I miss my freedom of speech...
  19. Why you gotta blame the salt?!?
  20. ill take it. text me 6143549575
  21. sean, I dont have your number anymore. hit me up. 6143549575. im interested
  22. exactly what I was thinking
  23. so a place i would never go....lol.
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