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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Who is everyone leaning towards for this years presidential election? does anyone actually wanna re-elect Obama?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_CxjOOT_XQ&feature=related this is the best one
  3. watch some of the other vids on ron paul theres a lot of good ones. im a fan
  4. most people in the 1050 club do it with one car steve;) bump
  5. Linc5.0

    Dear wnaplay...

  6. Linc5.0

    Dear wnaplay...

  7. I thought this thread could really use MORE http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRR31dVPfJu585gztU0hMyIUEAzbeLx0aDQKY_K9ds-Ms8PCUKQaixcjw
  8. Linc5.0

    Dear wnaplay...

    wait...what warranted the banning?
  9. Did you used to have red stripes on the front fender? if not then another white c6 in powell i see all the time. welcome, im sure ill see you around powell..
  10. needs more drugs...just saying.
  11. was that a person that he was hunched over?
  12. Agreed. Tina I didn't realize you were so young!
  13. Too bad everyone has off tomorrow.
  14. mike. text me. i want to come check it out asap
  15. fine ill try and come for an hour
  16. i have dinner reservations...you know weds are my date night! ass
  17. Glad i made something of myself. and by that i mean i bought my own iphone.lol'
  18. Remember phil meet me at premier at sawmill at 6 so you can work me in raquetball
  19. why not....im already proven faster than him and brandon!!!!
  20. carter, your brother is a beast not gonna lie
  21. i just meant bike to bike my bad
  22. scott, you can hold the money. Andy I am way taller im 240 and can still dunk #whiteboyskillssucka on a side note, phil and I are playin raquetball tonight and he will own me in that for sure. #dorkyblackguyskillssucka
  23. i play with Kyle every week and even brady comes out too. Brady works Kyle, its hilarious.
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