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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. Been thinking bout you lately. Time is flying by and it sucks. Miss you bid!
  2. Linc5.0

    im back!!!!

    can i please have my raquet back so i can play some fucking raquetball?
  3. Welcome and I'm sorry for the negative responses from the internet tough guys. They see things their way and no one elses. I love drifting and all types of racing for that matter. They are all different forms of automotive art. And your right most ofthese tools won't say shot to your face. Trust me on that, AJ is quiet kid, Brian is a funny black man , Paul is a twitching retard( tho I love ya bud), o could go on about all of them. Lol. The point is this guys loves cars and racing.how can anyone hate on thAt?
  4. Every gym is packed at that time. I'm a member at Kinsale cc who owns premier. I play raquectball there and swim sometimes.
  5. Ben, I just read fhe other post don't know how I missed it. Glad ur ok!did you ask Bout buying Sunnis back? If not I'd be interest I u could get details...thanks
  6. X-caliber, their peanuts and chex mix is awesome!!! I'm serious first date at a strip club will tell you a lot about someone!
  7. Stangguy been in the seen for years yet has anyone ever seen him or his stangggggg?
  8. Eye got pulled ova tuday and offica says was in da back? I says 2000 PDA deem rocks... So he's take me to jail... I didn't knows salts illegal... Damn offica I just trying to makes da money
  9. My swap kit was 1200 bucks... Tht was the cheap part of my swap...
  10. Linc5.0

    What Happened?

    Wait black brians really black? Fuck... Hal you still married to that girl that left you like 5 times while engaged cus she didn't know If she wanted to be with you ? ; ) how's thAt going?
  11. Worthington galena and park. It's a nice place!
  12. I used to love fighting. Ou and slowbait, I haven't been on this site in months but I'm pretty sure I'm glad cus you really seem to be fucking up a lot of threads. I don't want to be mean to you buy for some reason I don't think I can help it...
  13. Why would you put a ls1 in something??? Stupid if you ask me... Wait
  14. I was just messing with you rotary guys, geez!!
  15. Air/fuel/timing may make horsepower.. But what makes torque? Answer, not the motor in ur car!
  16. Linc5.0


    Call or text me asap. your inbox is full you fool! 6143549575. Erik
  17. Rx7 was a mid 11 car on motor, it was quick. Now if it made the power it does on spray all the time I'd cAll it a quicker street car..it'd trap 130ish on spray.
  18. I would be willing to wrestle any of the pussies in thi thread for money..... Just so you all know what a reAl man looks like. Don't hate
  19. Congrats, I can't imagine when my daughter will be old enough to get married. She's 4 now.
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