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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I'm a POs because I don't buy into the Fairy Tale written by men who did not even know jesus. yup good idea... I think its awesome if you not into christiantiy your automaticly a EVIL or a POS. Judge not unless ye be judged? ohh wait I usally know the christian bible better then the people who bash me
  2. I mean honestly how can any rational person say the following. God saved us from X horrific incident. Well if he "SAVED" you why did he not "PREVENT" it. because flocks of birds in front of planes can't be moved by all powerful GOD. If you believe in Miracles you have to believe god have prevented what ever incdident. Or that god is a complete ass for allowing X to suffer why Y lives. And the cop out of ITS GODS PLAN is complete BS. Its just a easy out. BTW I'm an Agnostic.
  3. I've never once been with out insurance. It serves you right . Some bitch backed into my wifes car and she had no insurance. So I have 0 sympathy for you. If you can't afford to pay your insurance you should not be driving.
  4. friggin DNC does not work for scammers
  5. No my statements are not just related to the christian god. All gods period. None of them if exitsant have a active part in humanity and I think its fuck retarded everytime some christian spews out the grabage. WELL GOD SAVED US. oh really he did. lets talk to that pastor in texas.
  6. thorne

    Future Events?

    Man it would be really nice to have a FRIDAY NIGHT spot. Something we could control. That would be fucking awesome. I enjoy hanging out and checking out cars and shit. I don't enjoy being kicked out of a parking lot or to listen to Ricer #1 with his subwoofers turned up loud. Event wise. RallyX Autocross Road Rally Cruise hocking hills. The subbie guys do it everyyear GO KART NIGHT!!!! Cook outs at the lake. NEW CR Car decals . Proceeds go to some charity We should try and do a couple charity events. Car show or something. CR has had a bad face painted on us over the past year. We need to show people were a Car club and not a bunch of street racing hoodlums.
  7. HELL MOTHER FUCKING YEAH. I'm in for just a autocross as well. I think if CR continues to grow and expand we might become a try hardcore car club. I look forward to having more then just 1/4 races this year. It's awesome to cr expanding into this realm.
  8. Hence my BMW 8 that I can't believe is out of warranty. You've herd the motor in this thing costs 10g alone and you can't afford that if it breaks..... ohhh I can't wait till the next time they call.
  9. I'm so sick of this fucking scam. 231-732-2334 is the latest number but its had 800 numbers also. Today they called They asked me to verify my make and model car. I asked them to please verify and they hung up. ... Next time I'm going to play along. I think I own a 2010 BMW M8.
  10. I think I'm going to have to try this out now. I'm not doing this crank case portion it just don't sound like a good idea.
  11. thorne

    R.I.P. Zane

    animals huh. What part of the bible was that one in. Must have been the TEstiment by Disney I for one welcome our new zombie snake overlords
  12. thorne

    R.I.P. Zane

    Hopefully Jesus resurects this snake.
  13. I know when I needed a windshield Safelite was the hookup.
  14. you smoke out of sand paper. Man your hardcore
  15. I've got gear issues. I have a tranny thats designed for rally/road. My gears are WAY TO SHORT. on my old setup before I hit 300whp I ran a 12.9 . Then I blew my tranny to pieces and put in the RA tranny. since the RA tranny I've never ran faster then a 13.0 thats trapping 4thgear redline.
  16. I noticed you had posted your whp later in the thread. I'm ninja as hell. And based on HP I amm make more power on 93 octane at all 4 then you do at 2 =)
  17. What about E85? I mean its like 108 or something like that. So is that pump gas? I say if you got it in your tank its your setup.
  18. +1 if we setup a race I don't care if you pull out acme jet engines and attach them to your car. We agreed to race. What I use to power my car should not be a issue for the person im racing.
  19. yeah not feeling to fairmont. I'm calling about a foxbody today.
  20. hahahaha. don't let me get a straight away. I put the shifter and front bshings in last night.
  21. older as in 03 wrX?
  22. The wife nixed the daytona idea. something tells me I'm going to have a fbody in the end. I just got to start saving money . She really like the trans am. She seen one on the way back from the office a few minutes ago and she was like ohhh i want one of those... right now its between fox body (which i could get sooner) fbody whats starting price to get into a fbody?
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