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Everything posted by thorne

  1. The best I could pull off was a 12.9 . That 12.9 was pulled off on my STOCK tranny and with out the exhaust so I was only making 280whp. The new tranny is so short at the end of 4th gear I'm trapping and i really really need that gear to be a little longer. I think with the stock tranny in it I could get 12.6's maybe. It has the HP. I don't mind being bugged the shit out of. Just remeber 1 thing. 02 = bad tranny early 03 = bad tranny
  2. Actually ty thinks I might lift up some. My car sits lower then it should right now. I hope so my 18's rubbed last year.
  3. Yeah ty came over and took me for a ride in his car. I was sold. I had really wanted to put some more go fast parts as in bigger turbo on first but, It will wait a little bit. After this is done I'm going to be pretty happy with where I've got my wrx to.
  4. Willaty came over yesterday and he has that setup plus a bunch more toys and it rode awesome.
  5. Well I've got 95k on my car and stock suspension. My suspension is so tired it looks like I've dropped the car about an inch. Though its all stock. For those who care. The ideas was that I wanted a setup that I could play in the dirt and have fun on the streets. I had a friend of mine on COS who is quite sharp on subaru suspensions help me pick out the new toys. I hope to get some good track time in this year. Tic Fender Cowl Braces Tokico Adjustment extenders Tokico D-spec adjustable shocks Whiteline steering rack bushings Kartboy Leverl Combo plus Tic 5mt Leverl pivot bushings Tic Klunk Killer RACE STi Take off springs
  6. wow civic with vtek. tell them to visit http://www.40roll.com
  7. thorne


    I can see it. That intake is a smaller diameter then the stock intake (HAHAHA). So the maf sensor reads more air then what is really there. This is going to cause a STOCK car to go rich. Subarus are rich from the factory anyways. Now you can scale the maf for that intake but it will not make it to 300whp. There is only so much you can do. 5v's is 5v's . APS 70mm here we come.
  8. If you want to take my car for a drive your more then welcome. I'm umm I don't know I'm modded to 300wheel so what ever that is considered.
  9. thorne


    Figured it out. Stay away from SPT Intakes. The stock airbox can flow more air. This has been a public service announcement.
  10. Electric super charger huh. I like where this is going. I herd the Turbonator intake also helps gas milage. And these special magnets for the fuel lines. Were going have that thing getting better mpg then a insight! For some reason when I see s2000 the driver well not sam. Some better choices Porche Boxster BMW z3 MB slk230
  11. you have a inkjet printer right? You now have reciepts.
  12. 02 tranny I can break with just 280ft/tq . No launch required.
  13. Yeah we've got a few CMTS's out ther that can do it. I also know we've done some tests and the speeds were awesome.
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/21/nyregion/21scam.html?_r=2 This guy was baller. I mean he conned a fucking bank to try and take out another countries central bank. WHen your that fucking good wow. But atleast he was caught. wow.
  15. I want 50mbit to my house on 1 link docsis 3 please arrise !!!
  16. Like I've said before. I don't see a problem with some social services but people who abuse them need shot.
  17. thorne


    doh. The code is voltage High.
  18. ohh the spare machine it will go into is HUGE. Old school antec case. I'll let you know more next friday .
  19. HAHAHA Slashdotted. I hope it comes back up.
  20. thorne


    I'm picking up his car this weekend and putting my maf on it.
  21. http://www.crisisofcredit.com/
  22. thorne

    Weight Loss

    Just got home from the store. Man eating healthier costs more. I picked up a filtered water thingy. Some deli meats. some lean pockets because I need something when I'm at work some ceral. Wish me luck guys.
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