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Everything posted by thorne

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3zou4F00Ic
  2. -Dr. Tilley What's your take on the Pyshictiric uses of it ? Treating Bipolar.
  3. obviously you don't like fast cars you own a mustang I kid I kid.
  4. I hope he got it dirt cheap if so its a honda it will last forever. But wow 30k OUCH. Honda 200hp STi 300
  5. Going to have a real hard time with weed.
  6. I was coming home from grove city and traffic was being forced onto 71.
  7. Damn man, I feel for ya man. I'm eyes watering, I got my boys with me I gave um a extra scratchin. . Chin up.
  8. ?? I think if pot was made legal there would not be a huge change in the number of smokers. I think it would be a shift in the money flow though. I think we're far more likely to see it further decrimnalized then legalized. I do hope he keeps true to his promise of not prosecuting medical marijuana patients that are recognized by there states laws.
  9. Ya know the Breathalizer would be a pretty cool thing to have. Just ta ya know CHECK. Cause if the machine says you would get a ticket if you get stopped your more likely to not drive.
  10. How to Tune and Modify Engine Management SYstems by Jeff Hartman Compressor tools New Jack Tq Wrench Jack Stands Iphone some gloves.
  11. If it does I hope they start callin it that Obama. Yo pass me that Obama.
  12. This shit reminded me of old skewl infomercials But i've been watching them since i posted this damn thread. +1 for a good viral Marketing
  13. http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?type=unsafe&video=bic
  14. I never seen this before. WOW http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?type=unsafe&video=realtime
  15. =) Subies ftw. WRX + 400hp + snow = FUN time Camaro + 300hp + snow = drive careful
  16. Rick did you get your toys dropped off? My playing santa every year is getting as many people as I can to donate toys to the firestation.
  17. Why do you own a mustang MOTOR now? The LSx not good enough?
  18. I was curious if anyone on here had a way they go about playing santa.
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