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Everything posted by thorne

  1. docsis 3.0 makes thorne happy... I've seen tests @ 100mbit down
  2. HAHAHAHAHA timewarner's cable sucks imho There road runner is quick.
  3. Joe want me to take a look at your shit? Sounds like you get a levels issue. Just msg me your info and I wil ltake a peak
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og9ccsb1v6o&NR=1
  5. thorne

    The Layoff List

    so you guys want to start a website? maybe make us rich at the expensive of others? LayoffList ?
  6. http://money.cnn.com/2009/01/22/technology/microsoft_jobs/index.htm?postversion=2009012209 Wow Microsoft. Yesterday Warner Bro's 900 people......
  7. grabit by shemes works well. Joe I can show you something better want to do some speedtests be vs you ? Just kidding =)
  8. I'm not 400@ the wheel but at the crank I am. I drive mine in the snow. Now I turn my boost down to ~17psi from 22. @ 19lbs I made 300@wheels. The nice thing about boosted cars is we can turn the boost down.
  9. The guy has made other comments to lead be to that conclusion. I did not itneract with him because I wanted to chew him out. No i did not laugh. I again may not have liked him but yesterday was not the day to act a tool.
  10. thorne

    Time Warner

    Joe what mhz/ghz does your plant use?
  11. There is only 1 cord you need. The charge cord. Jailbroken means you can run unsigned apps. There is a whole aftermarket per say for the iphones.
  12. Freedom of speech only extends to the tip of your nose. If you don't like him fine thats great. Freedom of speech does not mean come in and be a fucking ass while others are trying to watch something. I think its funny how many American's are really just "REPUBLICANS" . I supported bush the first term. I had no issue with his first run. But his second one I did not. I still did not proclaim shit like that.
  13. Astraweb is a awesome provider. You can get SSL streams (So even if your being monitored they have no clue what exactly you are downloading.) 15$ a month. or 10$ a month if you don't care how fast you can dl at. http://www.nzbmatrix.com http://www.news.astraweb.com/ Between those 2 sites your set. If you need a new howto on setting up news groups let me know I can post up some pics.
  14. Really? None. Go look at whitehouse.gov a HUGE OVER HAUL. From retarded site to informational blog. What did you expect ? To wake up with 3 hookers blowing you?
  15. This guy I work with is a complete fail. I can understand not liking the president choice. I can even accept that your a racist bastard. Short version. I'm eating my lunch watching the swearing in with some of the guys at the office, Most of them are republicans but still accept it is a historic event and are 100% cool, We were just enjoying the event. This one jackass comes in loud and obnoxiously proclaiming how he really hopes that he's shot. I mean really WTF. 1. This event is historic 2. You only hate on him because he's black period. 3. You could have stayed at your desk with your mouth shut.
  16. I want to punch anyone I see txting in the car. Like I want to choke them.
  17. thorne

    Time Warner

    HAHAHAHAHAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Fios...... i want it to hit her too so I can have docsis 3 I'm laughing because they already started to roll out and backed out .
  18. thorne

    Time Warner

    Call support get a newer box problem solved.
  19. I hope that he does a perfect job so I can laugh hardcore in every haters face. And if he fails how are they going to luagh they voted for bush. I mean really Its a no lose scenario
  20. I can't stand sprint. I went iphone *ATT* and never looked back.,
  21. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/978128816.html Really I mean WTF
  22. http://www.nzbmatrix.com is awesome. Also I just switched my news provider I just can't rember the name it was cheaper then giganews
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