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Everything posted by thorne

  1. When my buddy was looking for his bmw we took a spin in one. it ride like it was on clouds. The back seat had huge space. It had a great idrive knock off. It seemed like a nice car.
  2. 30$ ? I really want this out of my way
  3. This is my wifes old phone. It was on sprint. It's a pink katana. It's used and has some scratches but works fine. http://www.40roll.com/gun/photo(4).jpg http://www.40roll.com/gun/photo(5).jpg 20$
  4. Microsoft Fingerprint scanner. 10$
  5. I think the entire thing is sold
  6. maybe its 23 I dunno. I just know its bigger then my 21.
  7. http://www.40roll.com/gun/photo(3).jpg
  8. so what do you think wnaplay? People open up your wallets. How many of you have dropped 20$ on a race or 20$ at a bar. give some little kid a xmas. 20$ gets 3-5 toys at big lots and for some kid who would have no christmas thats a huge thing.
  9. Need back lights according to the flash codes. I picked it up for 40$. I'll take 20$ for it get it out of my my house please. this does not work nor do i make any claims of the such I'm just going by the flash codes. I've herd you can replace them.
  10. 35$? Make me a offer its taking up space.
  11. Wow I only watched a portion of it because my curiousty got the better of me. I don't know what to say. Stupid fucking curiosty I wish I would not have seen the brief 10 seconds or so I seen. How the fuck can someone. I mean god WTF
  12. The sound of Unknown Russian Solider's gurgle still is stuck in my mind I did not watch this but it still is a live link I saved it to check . WOW
  13. I will toss in a VHS player and a DVD player but the dvd player has no cables, They are standard cables though. 40$ OBO http://www.40roll.com/photo.jpg
  14. http://www.40roll.com/gun/photo(2).jpg C340 Camera with dock. I've got some of the picture paper I'm throwing in but I've not printed anything off the printer in a long time as it ran out of ink and I never had a need to print pics. We never use the thing so might as well get more money for xmas 40$ obo
  15. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=&daddr=39.942273,-83.109558&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=19&sll=39.942112,-83.109105&sspn=0.001318,0.002725&ie=UTF8&ll=39.942312,-83.109558&spn=0.001318,0.002725&t=h&z=19 Only reason I say there is because CR has went there before. I would really like to get a crew of us to go and drop off. Here is what I've done in the past. With all the cash goto the biglots over there talk to manager sometimes he gives me a deal and we buy lots of kids toys. Then we go over the firehouse and drop them off. What would be cool is if we could get a couple of nice cars out there and some pics. I will bug anthony to put this on the frontpage I'm going to his house tommoroow.
  16. What would one expect to spend to goto knob creek?
  17. Wrong section I fail. Can someone move this to pics?
  18. http://www.break.com/index/nerves-of-steel.html WOW
  19. I wanted to go out bet I felt like shit :9
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