5.0 Is a cheap platform to an extent. I've debated on building a FOX. It's the only mustang I really love the body of. At some point I really want to build a drag only car.
There really is no way to change eather of our opinion's. But I've seen it from my parents and both my sisters. Sadly my 1 sister is FAR worse off.
There is also Diabete's type 1.
the IBM Thinkpad was made by lenovo.
Because it's a lenovo that means it has to be atleast newer then the R40 which was a pentium M.
To this day I have an R32 I use all the time.
Think people should have Freedom to choose you a Liberal.
Think the Goverment should rule your life your a conservative....
WOW. I am a social Liberal a Fiscal conservative.
the masturbation is against the law I mean each sperm is a life waiting to happen !.
To each anti abortion person stop and think for 1 sec. What if your wife was rapped tonight. Would you want her to have to go threw with a child?
She will be abale to influence law. She also would be next in line to be the president. Bush looks like a scholar compared to her so far in the speeches.
When voting for someone I take there personal beliefs very serious. That tells me allot about there charter. This is from a women who charged for rape kits.
What the fuck is your malfunction. I personally deal with mental illness and recognize this and because of this I would not have children. What I'm saying is I would not want to submit a child to the shit I've delt with you fucking tool. Maybe you should think about the source of a statement before you quickly judge.
I personally deal with mental illness. I would NEVER wish it upon anyone.
Because rappists are always known for having a strong mental back ground that would help a child THRIVE.
You relize Mental illness is hereditary ?
and incest come on
yes because it twisted lenderers arms to over sell people.
I bought a house and delt with it so i refuse to believe the indursty did not do this to there self via greed. I knew what i could afford and they kept pushing me over and over and over to go almost 100K more then i knew i could afford with out an issue. I was not a subprime loan by any means but they still pushed me and offered intrest only and other stupid things.