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Everything posted by thorne

  1. Ummm if its still all motor how do you think you got a chance. I will try what ever WTH its only fun right
  2. Assuming I make it out I will be on the bike. You better be sprayin heavy if your going to beat the bike So jet kit + 600$ = nitrous Katana hrmmmmmm ehhh 600$ also buys my bottom end got damn it sam how do you build to projects its a bitch to decide which one.
  3. IPs Sucks Just kidding nice job.
  4. Were will people be incase I have time to swing out.
  5. thorne

    Night clubs.

    I'm looking more dance music.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F06DyWU2F8
  7. thorne

    Night clubs.

    She told me no strip club till she's lost more weight :\
  8. thorne

    Night clubs.

    I want to take my wife out somewhere fun. I want music / Dancing / drinking / Fun atmosphere. Suggestions
  9. MAybe a viral advertisement for the new x files
  10. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/news/2008/may/29/expert-says-ufo-tape-no-fake/ I say fake still just because the guy pushing for the bill seems odd.
  11. Bulls are most definally not for the weak or timid. It takes a strong will to have a bull in your family but they are the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had. You don't use negative reinformcent with a bull you use Leadership and treat them how you would want to be treated. I <3 my Bull please don't try and take him from me I don't want to end up on the news for shooting someone.
  12. Ohh shit the carbed bikes are coming out in full force. Sam Does the TBSS get more play then the Vette did?
  13. Or bad ass security cam systems that let you view it online from anywere and page you when a incident happens. Ohh wait you can and I'm doing it for clients
  14. If you really wanted to get around it I could have my cousin do it. But I would not do it being caught is bad.
  15. WTF your not putting it on?
  16. That will work I am just curious nothing more. I would have someone drive my car for me but ehhh maybe later once the car is got its next mod done.
  17. This may sound stupid but its your call. I would really like to bring my bike out and race it, I'm curious how much faster/slower my bike is then my car. It's a Katana and only makes 69whp I think. Fuck I dunno what i did with the dyno slip
  18. please privately message us and tell us were to meet you. I'm going to do my best to make it out.
  19. Happy Birthday. shanton is the guy in my pic scared of the silver beast (JK)
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