Ok the only way they can actually bust you atleast in my interpetation of the law is that you must send them a packet of the pirated material. BUT I still don't suggest using torrents.
As for news group
http://www.nzbmatrix.com Trust me you will smile. If you want to see speeds that will max out you cable modem use giganews.
I'm sorry If i seem like a dick but man I would feel so horrible if one day I seen a name come across my desk for a CR member or hear a story about it. If you must use torrents which i do not endorse. DO NOT SHARE that will atleast make it a tad safer.
If you avoid music/movies then you would be even safer, Again I'm not brushed up as i used to be on my copyright law but I can tell you that every single case the RIAA has went after has been for actually sharing not downloading.
If you have questions feel free to PM me and I will do my best to help out.