I was going to stay out of this but honesly things need to change for relations to get better. We should not even say black people we've not came to that point. We still label them. In my mind there americans. But I think there are some dumb white and blacks who have this ultimate sense of entitlement. It all relates to how gangs exist and other dumb shit.
The sad part is we are not there yet, Someday I'm sure we will be but right now its fucked up. Equal opertunity is not a bad thing. Blacks have had far less years to progress in social statures then whites. Think about it they had no rights and were segrated jusy recently in time. Think about it like this. More whites goto college then blacks. Why is that ? Because they are still progressing . College rates never went up until recenelty. Why? Because whites moved forward on what would be considered the middle class. Thats honestly not fair. But on the flip side i feel anyone who fucking abuses it should be revoked period. All kids taken away. If not its going to continue the chain of Ghetto mentality. ( Abusing food stamps. Selling shit for drugs. what ever things like that). The child will feel thats part of life and ok to do.