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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    TV Repair

    Does anyone here know how to repair tv's ? Or suggest some place. I've got a RCA 52 inch CRT Rear Projection HD-TV. It's out of convergerance and blurry. I can't get it to go back with just the remote.
  2. Ok, well the challange stands
  3. As how I see it I'm more of a mayor then you, I've actually beat poeple in columbus. RAMBLERS OVERLORD
  4. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1VmWYK7Y4hw
  5. 3 comes out this weekend meet me online to die Deathmatch is bad ass I've played the demo out. I want to see someone beat dragonforce on hard. I will buy dinner to the first person who can do it and show me.
  6. qft my opinion is drug tests are for stupid people. Anyone with half a brain knows about the whiznator and other ways.
  7. thorne

    Oink ?

    http://torrentfreak.com/oink-investigation-seeks-identities-and-activities-of-users-071023/ If I see anyone I know come across my desk I will be very sad.
  8. thorne

    Oink ?

    http://torrentfreak.com/oink-admin-released-from-custody-071023/ http://youtube.com/watch?v=QuwwMZKYxag Safe my ass. I want to point out that allot of you did not listen and talked about how it was so safe. Even After I pointed out that there were already moles on there. well here ya go
  9. Even a good techno club would work. Whats the attire at sugar?
  10. thorne

    Music Videos

    Is this your way of coming out?
  11. .... Just give me your Q It needs a good home. Tinted Windows Nice Sideways mounted tires not nice.
  12. Let me know when you start tearing intot he block I can come and turn a few wrenches for shits and giggles.
  13. 0 disagreement there the problem has been here for a while the extended world police is whats making it worse. What happened to the good old days when war was good for economy
  14. The Dollar slips more and we don't do a fucking thing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7055863.stm It's great to see that america is driving our economy into a wall while spraying a 150 shot. Why is this happening? 2 reasons 1. War costs money 2. We don't have "MONEY" we just print it. The answer? First fucking link in sig..
  15. I know back in the day omot's crew and DroneTek did raves. Does anyone hold them now?
  16. thorne

    Music Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTIdmCJS4T4&NR=1 ^windows techno ftw!
  17. :nws: I'm not sure if some of this is a repost or not. But I showed my friend the hatchet video and he said this shit was wronger. http://vs1.brokensphere.net/~dissy/stuff/vid/sick/revenge_of_the_japscat.wmv ^scats one thing but this damn near made me puke http://vs1.brokensphere.net/~dissy/stuff/vid/sick/eels.wmv ^WTF.
  18. thorne

    Music Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYpxwge99U I'm going to post some of the cooler videos I know of on youtube. I dig technoremixes and shit so you will notice a trend.
  19. If you read a bit you would see that we would have to switfch to a smaller goverment model as it should be . Fuck a nanny state. Before you take 1 piece and attack it look at the entire pic.
  20. I Iz Excell's Programmers Hazzin Ur Serverz
  21. thorne

    Fre FTP

    I use filezilla but shit martin I would not mind taking it for a test drive Fetchsoftworks.com
  22. Give it to me. I will make it live.
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