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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    Ron Paul

  2. This is a pretty sweet video, They edited out the boards and the result is pretty cool. http://googtube.blogspot.com/2006/07/invisible-skateboards.html#video
  3. I might have to grab that, I dig non mainstream rap because mainstream even thought I do like some of it because of thes ound. Is all the same. 1. I moved a brick YO. 2. I robbed somebody 3. I got Money 4. I shot someone 5. Check out my rides/shit 6. I rule you don't
  4. thorne

    Monster Java

    how many per case?
  5. Later http://www.dailypaul.com/freedom-under-siege/Freedom-Under-Siege-complete.pdf I've started reading this now. http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2000/cr020200.htm
  6. DJ Dragonsnacks is pretty dope.
  7. I will break it down. 500 large plants could produce 1250 oz total. 375K .
  8. We need the columbus top 20 back. 1 for the slower guys and 1 for the pimps. hp and all
  9. The problem is your inbetween toys but If we track down if my intercooler is leaking and I get full boost back I will run you from a digg. Some of these races are on the bike.
  10. Gotcha man, I've just been pissed off last few times I went out had way to many tag alongs.
  11. Friday night I'm going to the track if anyone wants to cick off some there. But I am going to mostlikely assuming i dont snap something be out afterwards. Pm me cell #'s and I will txt everyone were to meet because I'm not going to QSL to have 50 ricers follow me
  12. ROFL, If I was not accurate then I would agree or since I've had to deal with it since school 5thgrade.
  13. Wow, Sam honestly I figured you to be unreligious. I'm not trying to rip just ummm yeah. As per ghosts honestly I'm not sure what I believe my wife tells me I have a gift . I can talk to people and know if somethings not right even before they say a word. She says I do it well with animals and people. So ehhh I can say there are houses I've been in that I could tell emotions were there but not. Could just be something about the room that triggers that in me but I don't know. I accept there are things in this world That exist I don't know about so ehh.
  14. Rofl. I can take care of your problems. http://wackyneighbor.com/images/gbhq/logo-ghostbusters.gif
  15. for little old me you need to change things .
  16. ok its on but I'm racing you when i race sam ok?
  17. thats cool I was not ready tonight, I've got to retune the wrx to running without a gaping boost leak.
  18. yeah ir elized she only went 12.8 Hrmmmm. her 12.8 vs My 13.4 ON A BOOST LEAK! want to digg lani?
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