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Everything posted by thorne

  1. BTW if you have a linux box or cygwin install running openssl version 1.0.1 you can test for this by doing the following. openssl s_client --connect ip:port once connect hit Captibal B if it says heartbeating and doesn't throw a error your probably vulnerable. There is also a python script out there that works well but it actually uses the payload and shows the 64k of memory. I
  2. I was curious how many of you have been dealing with this fun issue. And a reminder to update your servers! http://heartbleed.com/
  3. The add said a min of 100$ you get 25 min for the laptop plus a 75$ coupon for a new pc.
  4. Thats what i think to my self everytime I hear of someone doing XYZ mod to get more MPG.
  5. Good call can you stack ? I have 3 or 4 laptops I could trade in
  6. No I was just answering the question. Not only do I work for IPS I'm a customer of IPS. But CTD as well as a few other local shops are customers of my web hosting business.
  7. And your my friend are under educated on proper PC Security. Windows 7 and 8 both contain so many enhancements its not funny. As well as the support for XP being dropped on the 8th last i heard. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/end-support-help I personally HATE windows 8's interface and went OSX because of it. But XP is from 2001 and out of date.
  8. I'm about to see if a machine I got that's fucked but posts will pass.
  9. GOD DAMN THIS SONG ... DAT BASS. my xb500's are so loud and my Logitech make my house shake. Love it so much Damn she's hot.
  10. I had it crash on the update after sone tinkering I got it updated
  11. That's what I did and it said no updates and won't let me check again for 24hrs
  12. How do you get this update? I don't see it via settings about device.
  13. Is there going to be Bracket racing as well?
  14. If there will be bracket racing I may race the g35 as its stupid consitent in automode. I'm not sure if the wagon will be ready in time,
  15. I can attest that steve was an addict!
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