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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    Best phone?

    My wife has the HTC one and she loves it l. It has the best onboard sound I've heard on a phone or tablet.
  2. I agree. I think. Mine will be a solid build . Engine and trans both fresh
  3. wow I'd like to see a more current one since in the last year subaru guys have started using lots of pte turbos
  4. It will be built at ips by myself and others. I really wanted something quick and honestly once you driven 800+ hp it's hard to be satisfied. Once it arrives I promise to document to build . It was ordered mid last year.
  5. It is not for a client. 818s plus a few cf bits
  6. How about 420whp sti ra box and a ej257. July is the delivery date of the kit not sure hope to be on the road for txs2k15
  7. Lets do it again 2.0? Lots of places to race near Polaris that are far less hot then they used to be since the public shit moved to sawmill.
  8. thorne

    Best phone?

    I Love my Galaxy Note 3, Huge screen stupid fast cpu and 3 gigs of ram.
  9. The engine is over the drums. That helps a ton.
  10. It looks like we may be delayed for 3-6 months thanks to the clots. I'll know more tomorrow. Its very stressful. I'll post up a update again once i know more.
  11. So something did go wrong, My wife's oxygen levels went dangerously low once they sedated her, So the transplant had to be stopped, My wife was in the icu on a ventlator(SP) until last evening. scan of her chest showed 3 PE. Once they get her breathing corrected (1-2weeks) they are going to redo the surgery. Sadly this means she will most likely be in the hospital for a while.
  12. mandy finally fell asleep she's anxious
  13. I have kept a outward appearance of confidence to help my wife through this but to be honest I'm terrified
  14. thorne

    Travel Agent?

    Thanks for all the feedback, I'm really excited I'm taking my Parents as a thank you for giving my wife her life back.
  15. thorne

    Travel Agent?

    I've tried to use various online sites but they all seem taylored for people who have to be somewhere at a specified time. I'm wanting to fly 4 to Hawaii sometime when its cold in ohio next year.
  16. I agree with you dj. But r factor is old as shit and will run fine with a 8600gt
  17. 10.7 runs great on my wife's core 2 mpb
  18. I had a a10 lsptop and it played everything ! Even rocked cod ghosts
  19. you just need a 10.7 iso, I just reloaded my wifes older MBP I'll look tonight and see If I can find the image. If your going to wipe it you might as well run to MC pickup an SSD and your MBP will feel like a whole new machine. Macs dont typically get slow like windows boxes do due to there sandbox nature so i expect that a reload won't net the gain your expecting from your typical windows reload. I would take a moment and listen to the hard drive and make sure its not making odd sounds. This will cause slowdown before the drive actually fails.
  20. Honestly for what your looking for a AMD APU based machine would suffice. Goto Microcenter and build a A10 based machine and put the extended 2 year OOPS coverage on it. ANYTHING goes wrong they givve you a gift card with the value of the hardware that broke. my wifes 6 core AMD's FAN died i took the chip up and they gave me what i paid for it......
  21. I like that VIAS solution is has many of the features my company had plus a nicer interface
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