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Everything posted by Hoblick

  1. wish i could go.. working nights blows during the summer
  2. do you still have your route plan.. id like to take a look at it.. there is some nice scenery there.
  3. i think the dude on the DVDs is sort of a tool lol
  4. depends.. the P90X DVD set and all the guides can be had online for free if you know where to get them... Or so ive heard. but you can buy it for like a couple hundred bucks as well. it will cost you money either way though. you need to get a few things for it. like a few dumbells, pull up bar or resistance bands. and some supplements, protein shake and bars and the diet your gonna be buying specific foods.. the diet is kind of hard to explain.. it took me a day to really understand how much, what portions, and what exactly i needed to get. but its all good now.
  5. hell everyone has seen before pics .. when we are done ill be sure to put some pics up
  6. well thats good to know.. im sticking with the diet. and i wont have a problem keeping it that way.
  7. agreed.. ill be getting the warp 9 wheels instead of those.. i cant see spending that kind of money on wheels. but fuck are they ganster
  8. me and the wife just started it today. the diet is pretty strict, the workouts are pretty intense im gonna do exactly how it needs to be done no cheating at all for 30 days.. if i see some good results im gonna finish it out . if not i claim it to be junk lol supposedly you are supposed to see huge results in 30 days.. so we will see what happens
  9. have throwing the idea around of a supermoto and how cheap the CRF450 can be had for now a days im really thinking hard about picking one up and turning into this
  10. ill have to check my schedule.. i have a shit ton of saturdays i have to work coming up
  11. i use a mighty vac, or the gold ole pump the brake a few times, hold, crack the bleeder, close bleeder, release brake slowly out... then repeat till nothing but fluid comes out. just make sure when you bleed your brakes not to run your reservoir dry or you will get air back in the system. just keep checking every couple of times you do it, and top off the reservoir
  12. hahaha LMAO at you telling her you wanted a picture with her doing some "pose"
  13. i like this idea. most people want to be filmed or have pictures taken of them.. so i forsee alot of people interested in this.
  14. go to iron pony.. try on a jacket or pants.. all alpinestars stuff will fit the same.. jacket to jacket.. all icon jackets fit the same.. try what brand your interested in on... make sure it fits well and you like it.. also make sure that you incorporate that the stuff will break in.. then go buy used on ebay
  15. also if anyone is a casual rider like myself that likes to rip the corners up as well and still be comfortable.. i highly reccomend the shift havoc pants. very comfy and far better protection than any other non race type pants.
  16. EBAY is your friend. i got my icon leather jacket for $150 shipped and it was pretty much brand new.. only worn once my pants on the other hand i bought new. but i shopped around alot before i pulled the trigger.. there are deals to be had on nice gear. i have alot of really nice premium gear, but didnt pay the premium price cause i shopped smart. next year im getting a one piece with some pucks and full boots. im gonna try to do a few track days next year and i figure better just be prepared. looks like ill be doing alot of shopping around for that as well. ill probably pick up a used suit in good shape, and used boots to if i can find ones in good enough shape.. if not ill order them new from somewhere
  17. i never got to post up at a corner and take pics.. next time out im making a point to do that. every damn time i go riding i plan to take alot of pictures and come back with barely any. probably cause riding is alot more fun than taking pictures
  18. good to finally get to come out to one of these.. me and the wife had fun.. we will be at the next one for sure.
  19. you do wear those icon riding jeans though as well.. which is better than normal jeans. i just cant go without wearing the leathers.. i feel alot safer, and more confident with my leathers on
  20. short video.. its lame.. but its all i ended up getting from the day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeK0q78JZJM
  21. well that sucks for him lol.. thanks for being our tour guide down there. yeah and get your pics up when you can.. ill get mine up here shortly. along with the only video clip i got from the day, which really isnt that great.
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