i went to iron pony with my buddy today, and came across a pretty nice helmet on closeout. i love some of the features this helmet has, and its lighter than my icon. the chin strap closure system is alot nicer than any helmet i have ever seen. they call it a microlock, adjustable quick release retention it has what they call VPR (vision protection system) a tinted half shield that you can put down or up for those sunny days, or it can be completely removed if you like. i noticed the shield itself, is a much thicker, nicer piece than my icon as well. seems like it will block out alot more wind noise fits great on my head, very comfy liner. it also has a anti fog insert to put in if you do so desire chin curtain all round feels like a great helmet its a Nolan N84 Celtic Now i just wanna order a nice mirrors or iridium visor for it i think.