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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. 01929RR at the Gap Me at the Gap Me again dmt4595 at the Gap Landon at the Gap Earache at the Gap the rest of us behind
  2. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Was someone off-roading here or you guys just enjoying the countryside?
  3. I'm sooo ready to go back. I came home and google mapped where we were...There are a ton of roads we never touched...That's motorcycle heaven down there.
  4. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Friggin A!! I'm home, but man I'm glad to be off the bike! 1000 miles and Deals Gap in a weekend!
  5. Or Florida. However unless it's a career path you are wanting to take the 20K price tag might not be real exciting.
  6. dustinsn3485


    She must like coasting... Oh and.. At least you put Mr...
  7. dustinsn3485


    no... My post is last... scalding
  8. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Click here my friend BTW how's Jason, any updates?
  9. I'm pumped! Got my saddlebags and boots in the mail today. Gonna go home and get packed up ready to go. Maybe even get out of work an hour early (wish me luck) .
  10. dustinsn3485


    Sorry Fonz. I failed ya. We ain't going back. haha, I played off the no good one... scalding.
  11. dustinsn3485


    Ah yes. We do have great minds.
  12. I'm sure with a little work, my father probably, could fab something up. If he can't the Joe can on the CNC. They're moving the shop out today, but I'll still be able to get in touch with them if I need to for anything.
  13. That's too simple. Must be something else.
  14. I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing just by the prefix it's got something to do with the look of cruisers now. Somewhat of a new and redefined look??
  15. What's up with not stopping by? You cruise past the shop rev the bike and then never come back . Just messin. How'd Canal treat you guys? What'd he think?
  16. "Kittens" or "Cheese, men were there first!" Not very conclusive either.
  17. I've got the scorpio alarm on my bike. When I was living in AZ the alarm pager started going off...I looked outside and there was an older truck and two guys around my bike. It was very close to similar to knocking on my door. With the help of a neighbor and his 45 we had a talk with those two guys.
  18. Yeah definitely. 3rd times a charm. Don't leave until you have a bike.
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