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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. xtremef4i doesn't ride much, he's gotta girl that cracks the whip I'm in Tipp. Sometime we'll all have to get together and do some riding. I went out for a couple hours tonight with ninjachk08 and cattmouch. Good times!
  2. Hard to tell visually if your stator/flywheel is damaged. Unless you've got major problems... Usually electrical tests are needed to make that determination. It could be your reg/rec...Charging system is pretty easy to diag. if you know what to test and to look for.
  3. No need to justify yourself! Just accept your dork status
  4. dustinsn3485


    My guess is no. abord. A`bord´ n. 1. Manner of approaching or accosting; address. v. t. 1. To approach; to accost
  5. I voted sell the 6RR. Because it sounds like you already had your mind made up before you posted this thread.
  6. dustinsn3485


    I'm just playing to Fonzie's ego...he likes the seriousness of this so I'm helpin him out when he can't be here to moderate if a word is good or not... bulky
  7. dustinsn3485


    You bet, don't get so salty. Are we counting abbreviations? Otherwise that's not a word.
  8. dustinsn3485


    At this point it's gotta, we aren't gonna backtrack...
  9. dustinsn3485


    Main Entry: 2la Pronunciation: \ˈlä\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, from the syllable sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist Date: 14th century : the sixth tone of the diatonic scale in solmization Think "Sound of Music" do re me fa so la ti finally... stock
  10. Deion Sanders and Mormon scandals??? Umm my s/n... My first name, some letters of my last name, my birthdate.
  11. dustinsn3485


    Well then I'll go after her friends! lol and umm Whodey...we've had some issues but i think we're where we're suppposed to be with words... suck
  12. dustinsn3485


    I saw it. but it wasn't used in the next set, so I ignored it. Yep and I'm single...haha I'll stop beatin up on ya magley. I don't like people talkin about my sister, I shouldn't do it. duck
  13. dustinsn3485


    la is a word. I checked it before I put it down. hmm moss
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